Alkaline Recipe #37 Sweet Green Drink

sweet green drink

This is a lovely sweet green drink (a little less green than this one though) that is really fantastic when you are first starting out or transitioning onto a more alkaline diet.

It contains a number of the sweeter vegetables, so is a little high in sugar relative to other green drinks, however, it is still alkalising, energising and packed full of nutrients!

It is a sweet green drink in more ways than one!

The antioxidants of the carrots, green bell pepper (capsicum) and beetroot are an amazing combination, with betanin and vulgaxanthin from the beetroot, proven to provide antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and detoxification support.

The carrots containing Carotenoids (such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein) Hydroxycinnamic acids and Anthocyanindins have been proven to have strong CVD-fighting benefits, anti-cancer benefits and more.

And the green bell peppers unique combination of over 30 different cartenoids means they provide a strong antioxidant and anti-cancer benefit too.

(not to mention the incredible strength of ginger, which has been shown to improve 8 different markers of type 2 diabetes)

Ross’s Sweet Green Drink

Serves 2


3 carrots
1 cucumber
1 green pepper
1 beetroot (medium)
2 tomatoes
1 inch of ginger


Wash all of the ingredients thoroughly and roughly chop the carrots, cucumber, pepper & tomatoes. Top and tail the beetroot and peel the ginger.

Now put them all through a juicer and enjoy! You can water it down a little if it is too strong or thick for you!


References & Scientific Studies

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Kollmannsberger H, Rodriguez-Burruezo A, Nitz S et al. Volatile and capsaicinoid composition of ají (Capsicum baccatum) and rocoto (Capsicum pubescens), two Andean species of chile peppers. J Sci Food Agric. 2011 Jul;91(9):1598-611. 2011.

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  1. Joel Reply

    Thanks for sharing the recipe. Sure it would be a nice alkaline diet since the ingredients are all fresh fruits. Thanks for that.
