Happy Hormone Soup!

Happy Hormone Veggie Soup

Alkaline Soup Recipe: Happy Hormone Veggie Soup

I absolutely love this soup. It’s quick and easy to prepare, really hearty and warm, and it makes you feel energized and alive!

It contains specifically selected veggies that not only make an awesome soup, but that is also soothing, rebalancing and supportive of your endocrine system.

The endocrine system is one of the Five Master Systems I cover in The Alkaline Reset Cleanse book, and it’s the system that regulates our hormones. So if you want to feel vibrant, positive, and alive, paying extra attention to this area is really important!

If the endocrine system becomes out of balance (which an acid-forming diet does, very quickly), it can have serious impacts on every other area of the body.  Certainly the other four of the Five Master Systems (the digestive, pH balancing, immune, and detoxification systems in the body – if you want to know more, I recommend checking out my book).

The alkaline diet plays a big part in hormone regulation, and there are certain vegetables that are particularly alkalizing and nourishing for healthy hormones.

This soup is so powerful for your hormones because it contains:

  • Leafy green vegetables are always a great place to start when it comes to supporting healthy hormones. A diet that is alkaline-based, with plenty of these veggies, can help bring the body back into balance and reduce inflammation, so you can really use any leafy greens in this recipe.
  • Kale, for example, is an alkaline powerhouse. Its high vitamin A content helps the body to produce hormones, while the many phytonutrients it contains help reduce oxidative stress. Not only is kale alkaline-forming in your body, but it’s also rich in magnesium and potassium, two minerals that are essential for hormone balance.
  • Garlic is another alkaline vegetable that is great for hormones. It helps activate vitamin D, which is essential for hormone balance. Garlic also contains sulfur-containing compounds that help to reduce inflammation, making it beneficial for overall hormonal health.
  • Kelp is high in alkaline minerals, and its iodine content helps to regulate the thyroid gland. The thyroid is responsible for regulating hormones, so kelp can help support a healthy hormonal balance.
  • And don’t forget about carrots! Not only are they alkaline-forming, but they’re also high in beta-carotene, which helps to convert cholesterol into other hormones.

These alkaline veggies are just some of the many options available to support healthy hormones (see more suggestions here). Eating a diet rich in alkaline-forming foods like these can help to bring your body back into balance and reduce inflammation, so you can get the most out of life!

Happy souping!


Happy Hormone Soup!

  • Author: Ross


  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/2 onion diced
  • 2 carrots diced
  • 1 bunch of chard or kale, thinly sliced, stems removed
  • 1/4 head of cauliflower, chopped into smaller pieces
  • 4 cloves garlic minced
  • 6 oz kelp noodles roughly chopped
  • 32 oz veggie broth
  • 2 tsp Himalayan salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground black pepper
  • 2 tsp grated fresh turmeric
  • 2 tbsp olive oil


  1. Gently warm the coconut oil in a large pot, and add the diced onions and a pinch of salt.
  2. Saute the onion for 3-4 minutes and then add the garlic and stir for another 30 seconds, before adding the carrots, and cauli and stir well.
  3. Now add the broth, salt, and pepper to taste and bring to a simmer for around 15 minutes.
  4. Once the carrots are al dente, add the turmeric and kelp noodles.
  5. After 2-3 more minutes add the kale or chard, and cook gently until your greens have wilted, and then remove your pot from the heat.
  6. Add more salt & pepper as needed for taste and serve immediately

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Recipe rating

  1. Vanessa Ellis Reply

    Peel cucumbers or not? Rogue question

  2. Dsolomon Reply

    Ingredients did not include coconut oil!

    • ross Reply

      1 tbsp

  3. Pam Larkin Reply

    Just made this and it was delish! I forgot to get kelp noodles unfortunately but I really enjoyed it. Thank you!

  4. Kitty Murphy Reply

    Coconut not mentioned in recipe. How much to use?

    • ross Reply

      Just as much as you’d normally saute veggies with 🙂

      1 tbsp is fine.

  5. Karen Reply

    Hi how much coconut oil and do I need water in this as doesn’t state in recipe

    • ross Reply

      Apologies, it’s enough to just saute with. 1 tsbp

  6. Christoph Reply

    Hi Ross ,

    Is Kelp noodles same as Glas Noodles?

