Can an Alkaline Diet Prevent & Reverse Chronic Kidney Disease?
There is so much evidence supporting the benefit of eating and living alkaline.
There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of scientific research studies published to show the alkaline diet is beneficial for, if not the answer to, preventing and reversing a wide variety of conditions.
And in the past two years, this research has really been stepped up with regards to the alkaline state of the body and Chronic Kidney Disease, and kidney function overall.
This is no surprise, as the kidneys are primarily responsible for excreting the high acidic load provided by our modern diet and lifestyle. [Ref]
Historically, of course, our diet was not so acid-heavy as our current Westernised diet is.
Our body has not evolved with the capacity to excrete the consistent, strongly-acid-forming by-products of our diet.
We evolved eating fresh foods, not processed, sugary, grain-based, trans-fat, refined foods – and our body simply cannot cope with this.
As noted in the hugely influential paper published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2005, we are poorly designed for this contemporary diet, and it could be contributing to the pathogenesis of many chronic diseases, including CKD.
And the research is mounting in support of an alkaline diet-based approach to preventing and reversing kidney conditions, including CKD:
Alkaline Diet and/or Supplementation Halts the Decline of Kidney Function
In this 2014 research paper, the researchers found that in randomised studies, consuming an alkaline-rich diet of vegetables, alkaline fruits and a reduction in acid-forming foods alongside supplementation with alkaline minerals such as sodium bicarbonate was able to provide long-term benefits to the kidneys by balancing the acid-base load in the body.
It’s evidence again that what we eat effect’s our body’s pH balance, and specifically, in this research, with regards to the stress that a high-acid diet creates.
Randomized controlled trials showed that base substitution, either by modification of the diet or by simply adding alkalizing agents, might halt the decline of kidney function in subjects with CKD. In 2012 a meta-analysis concluded that alkali therapy might provide a long-term favorable effect on renal function in patients with CKD.
Remember – the alkaline diet is NOT about trying to increase your pH – it is about supporting the body to maintain its acid-base homeostasis.
Your body needs to keep your pH at 7.365, and the alkaline diet is about helping it do that job, because the stress created by forcing the body to constantly have to draw alkaline minerals to balance the pH, plus the stress caused by having to excrete excess acids is HUGE.
And as these papers show, this stress could be the basis of most chronic disease in the Western world.
Alkalinity in the Diet Reduces Stress on the Kidneys + Acidic Diet Directly Contributes to CKD
In this 2015 research paper, published in the journal Kidney International, the authors highlight that CKD is directly impacted by the acid/alkaline balance in the body, and that one of the major influencers on the likelihood of developing CKD is the level of acidity in the diet.
”Normalization of acid–base homeostasis in chronic kidney disease (CKD) holds promise for mitigating disease progression…high dietary acid load coupled with impaired tubular function results in metabolic acidosis and CKD progression”
High Dietary Acid Load Directly Leads to Acidosis & CKD Progression
The researchers Julia Scalia (Assistant Professor of Medicine in Nephrology at the Duke Clinical Research Institute) and Cheryl Anderson (Associate Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UCSD), in their 2013 paper in the Journal of Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease found that high dietary acid load produces long-term acidosis, leading to increased need for acid excretion and thus stress to the kidneys.
They recommend public health strategies to focus on improving diet quality and increasing alkalinity/decreasing acidity in the diet.
In the setting of chronic kidney disease, a high dietary acid load invokes adaptive mechanisms to increase acid excretion. These adaptations may promote renal injury. Additionally, high dietary acid loads produce low-grade, subclinical acidosis that may result in bone and muscle loss.
…studies suggest that lowering the dietary acid load can improve subclinical acidosis, preserve bone and muscle, and slow decline of glomerular filtration rate in animal models and humans.
This is just three of a number of recent studies that highlight the clear connection between:
High-acid/low-alkaline diet > long-term acidosis > stress on the kidneys to repeatedly excrete excess acidity > progression of CKD…
And of course, this could go much, much further…
The alkaline diet is connected with the prevention and improvement of dozens of conditions. And of course, that’s
In the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, the researchers, Dorothy Zeviar, Michael Gonzalez et al state in their 2014 paper “The Role of Mitochondria in Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases”:
“The evidence appears to be strong that an alkaline diet high in antioxidants (fruits and vegetables) would help prevent chronic degenerative disease and cancer, and lead to a better quality of life.”
And it is certainly getting more and more commonplace for the alkaline diet to be cited as a huge contributor to the prevention and control of many chronic diseases.
People are often quick to criticise…
Having been living alkaline for over 13 years, and coaching and helping thousands upon thousands of others to do the same, I know how hard it is when people (friends, family, doctors, the media) criticise the alkaline diet.
So it’s great to give you access to this kind of research.
In my post a few months back called “5 Things the Media Needs to Know About the Alkaline Diet” I highlighted a few simple facts about the alkaline diet that most people (be it the media or your family/friends) get wrong, and wrongly assume…
So if you often find yourself answering questions from folks who are skeptical about your diet, this is a great help in answering those questions and reminding yourself why this approach to diet and health is just soooo good.
Kidney Healing Juice
To celebrate this research and to help you out with your next, best step to protect, heal and rejuvenate the kidneys – I have created the ultimate Kidney Rejuvenation Juice Recipe! It’s delicious and contains all the nutrients needed to start the healing process.
And in the meantime, as ever, any questions at all – please post them below, I’d love to hear from you!
[Note: This blog is only my opinion. It is not medical advice or diagnosis. Only opinions based upon our own personal experiences or information detailed in medical/academic journals or other publications is cited. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE or prescribe any treatments. Please consult with a medical professional before making any diet or nutrition changes. Refer to our full disclaimer for more information.]

Hi Ross how often do you need to drink kidney juice. Many thanks for info Estelle
Hi Ross,
Does the alkaline diet help to eliminate the development of kidney stones?
Yep –
I have stage 3 CKD with 40% kidney function. Hoping a more alkaline diet is going to help this. A bit confusing when I read the list of foods to avoid (spinach, avocado, nuts, high potassium foods, etc), but then read the alkaline foods to add, especially in smoothies. I don’t have a juicer. Can I make the kidney rejuvenation juice in a blender instead of a juicer? Thanks in advance-
Bill Altman
Hi Bill
You should not avoid those foods, it’s as simple as that. What is the reasoning behind removing those foods? Makes no sense.
You can make any juice in a blender – but some may not have a great consistency 🙂
I’m so confused and deeply hurt. My friend has been a strict alkaline vegan for years. She even leads an alkaline vegan group and offers support and information to those interested in the life-style. Even still, we were all taken completely by surprise when she was diagnosed with stage 4 kidney disease last year. I was a vegan for over a year, and now pescatarian, so i believe that vegan and alkaline diets are healing to the body. I’m lost to could have possible happened.
There’s a lot of variables here – and I don’t know what her interpretation of an alkaline diet is. A lot of folks are still eating a ton of ‘natural’ sugar and overloading on fruits and thinking this is alkaline, so it’s hard to say. My experience with thousands of students/clients and the research all points to an accurately interpreted alkaline diet is hugely protective to the liver.
There’s also a chance that she has a huge genetic predisposition to kidney issues, and living alkaline helped prolong her diagnosis for years (i.e. without it there would have been problems sooner).
Tons of variables, so hard to say.
Hi Ross in the case of diabetes type 1 what’s the best alkalisin juice to support the kidneys when person has been told kidney function is poor and dialysis is being considered thank you
Hi Ross my mom has stage 4 kidney disease n a gfr of 22% has type 2 diabetes and is legally blind due to diabetes also has hashimoto thyroids,hypertension high blood pressure, high tryglecerines, High cholesterol, feet neropothy, n nerve n daily cramp problems, I’ve been looking at the alkaline life style but for some one who has stage4 kidney disease n has 2000mg daily restriction on sodium and pottasssium n also need to be careful with phosphorus as well doctor said. How can my mom do the alkaline diet when most of the foods are very high in potassium n phosphorus n some salt. Please help iam so confused????
Hi Ross
I have a kidney impairment and am excited to try the kidney juice. Can I use the NutriBullet or blender or does it have to be a juicer only
Kind Regards
Lyndell De La Cruz
HI Ross, I have been making fermented foods recently. I don’t get on very well with water Kefir but I like the milk kefir. I have read that it contains more probiotics. I also drink Kombucha. I am wondering how acidic they are and wether taking them is raising the amount of acidic foods I am eating? I also make sauerkraut and Kimchi.. I don’t eat loads but have a bit most days…
i have preeclimasia which lead to protainuria i will like to know if diet cld reavers it since all kidey test is normal only protain in urine
Thanks for such a great knowledge i am diabetic since 21 years and insulin dependent but now i am following alkaline and dosage of insulin is decreased previously it was 60 units and now in fifteen days reduced to 10 units only
That is AWESOME Minu! Well done!
Hello, my husband has Sickle Cell Anemia and Kidney Disease can the diet help him can I buy foods with Alkaline in it
Been searching your site, but canot find a follow up on this post. Can you help? Thank you for the abundance of knowledge and taking your time to educate the people.
Yes I believe that we need to alkalise my body because it helps the body to function normally. today my doctor said that my creatinin results that my kidney is on the stage 3. so i need to alkalise my body and I need alkalise food diet to reverse my kidney condition. i believe more on nutrition and medicine.
Hi Ross, can I get your receipe for alkaline juice that helps with reversin CKD? I think that receipe has raw turmeric, ginger, coconut water and few other ingredients. Thanks. Arun
Hi Ross. I can only find an ebook of your recipes. I’d prefer to buy a hard copy. Do you stock hard copies of your book?
Is alkaline water good or harmful for ckd?
Improve Your Quality Of Life Even If You Are On Dialysis – This Guaranteed Method Assists Kidney Function – Even If You Are In “End Stage Renal Failure”
I am interested in buying your recipe book, do you accept paypal?
Hey Ros
Not at present but will do soon…
Your alkaline diet very impressed. its very important especially to Asian community, not understand about food is your medicine.
Your research helps me a lot .Hoping to have a work shop .
Do keep mail me all relevent informations.
Hi Ross .. I have been reading your blogs with high interest and especially this one on our kidneys !!
I’m a 64 year old single man and I’m in general very good health .. I keep fit and workout to a natural ‘body building’ standard !! However I do have a few health issues and wonder if you can help me ??
I need to keep it simple so would prefer one guide / book that might say it all ha ha !! ?? ( is that possible ?? )
I have occasional bouts of Diverticulitis and therefore try to keep to an alkaline diet as much as possible but need more help in this !!
I have also just discovered that my kidneys eGFR should be 90 to 120 and mine is at 139 .. although this may have something to do with the fact that I have been taking extra creatine as a supplement to help my workouts . I am due to have another blood test in one month and would dearly like to see my kidneys back to normal !!
Finally I have osteo-arthritis in my inner knee joints and would like to improve this condition !!
So Ross can you help me ??
Kindest regards
Shaun Read ..
P.s. I am registered with you and receive emails from you !!
I have PKD and appreciate this information very much! Eating as alkaline as possible has helped me greatly. Thank you for the research and the upcoming kidney posts!