Easy Way to Stronger Bones
Osteoporosis and bone weakness effects one in three women and 1 in 12 men over the age of 50. In total, osteoporosis causes 310,000 fractures in the UK every year. This is a dramatic statistic and one that actually surprised me. That is really high.
With this being such a serious issue you would wonder why the most commonly given advice by Doctors, Hospitals, our Government & the media is to consume more dairy.
This is simply stupid, so let me make this point clearly:
Dairy weakens bones.
Dairy products are highly, highly acidic (as well as being full of saturated fat, lactose, animal hormones & more) and when we consume acids what does the body do? It pulls calcium from our bones to neutralise the acid.
This is fact.
Here is my proof:
- Fresh research published October 2006 in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (JASN) has shown that acidosis causes bones to weaken in post menopausal women (click here for more on acidosis) – AND that an increase of alkaline substances reverses this trend to strengthen the bone!
They state:
Chronic acid loads are an obligate consequence of the high animal protein content of the Western diet. Bone mass can be increased significantly in postmenopausal women with osteopenia by increasing their daily alkali intake
- A recently published study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009) has provided further evidence that the consumption of and supplementation with alkaline minerals is essential for good health. The researchers studied the effect of potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride) on bone health – specifically, the ability of these alkaline minerals to slow the bone resorption rate and calcium excretion. There were two control groups, both on normal (acidic) diets, and the results showed that the participants who were taking the bicarbonate supplements had significant reductions in urinary calcium excretion when compared to the control group.
- An article led by Lynda Frassetto, an Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at the University of California, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, states:
clinically-recognized chronic metabolic acidosis has deleterious effects on the body, including growth retardation in children, decreased muscle and bone mass in adults, and kidney stone formation, and that correction of acidosis can ameliorate those conditions
- Reasearch from Boston’s Framingham Osteoperosis Study has found that women who drink cola on a daily basis had an average 5% reduction in bone mass density. Cola has a pH of around 3. Our body has to maintain a pH of 7.365. The pH scale is exponential, so this makes cola at pH 3 is 10,000 more acidic than pH 7. So this highly acidic substance leads to a significant bone weakness. To put this 5% in context, bones with 5% less density would be very likely to break or fracture from a minor, everyday fall
- This belter of an article from the Journal of Nutrition in January 2008, titled: The Balance of Bone Health: Tipping the Scales in Favor of Potassium-Rich, Bicarbonate-Rich Foods states that a diet rich in potassium and sodium bicarbonate (both highly alkaline minerals) leads to stronger, more healthy bones.
In fact it actually states “potassium-rich, bicarbonate-rich foods (i.e. vegetables or dietary alkali) (are linked) to osteoporosis prevention” – however, it also goes to point out that vegetables are a far superior source than dairy because not only are vegetables a source of the combination of potassium and bicarbonate but also, the vegetable diet reduced the “acid load” compared to dairy and vegetables also led to higher calcium absorption.
I think I’ve made my point. The calcium gained by drinking dairy is overwhelmingly undone by the fact that dairy is just so acidic. When the body becomes overly acidic, in order to retain a slightly alkaline blood pH the body will leach calcium from wherever it can take it (usually our bones) and voila – osteoporosis is now significantly more likely.
Your Strongest Ever Bones…Without Dairy!
So if you’re not going to have dairy for strong bones any more (please don’t!) then how will you keep your lovely skeleton strong and healthy?
Five Ways To Instantly Guarantee Strong Bones Now & Forever!
- A Diet Rich in Alkaline Foods: when you eat & drink alkaline your body does not need to draw minerals from elsewhere in the body to neutralise the acids you consume.
Our body does actually have a small alkaline buffer available at all times to neutralise acids, but this is pretty much all used up simply by buffering the acids our body naturally produces throughout the day.
So eating alkaline is top on the priority list for keeping strong bones – click here to get my Definitive Acid/Alkaline Food Charts.
Alkaline vegetables & other alkaline foods are also rich in alkaline minerals, particularly the calcium that our bones are made from. The PCRM (Physicians Commitee for Responsible Medicine) state that:
Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, and others are loaded with highly absorbable calcium and a host of other important nutrients. While these foods have a smaller amount of calcium per serving compared to dairy products, they have more calcium per calorie, and the calcium they contain is absorbed nearly twice as well as the calcium in cow’s milk.
Why have dairy?
- Alkaline Minerals: supplementing with alkaline minerals is a great way to make sure that
- The body has enough alkaline minerals in the body to neutralise acids produced and consumed, and
- That the body has the right quantity and quality of the nutrients it needs to rebuild and retain strong, healthy bones.
There are many supplements on the market but the one I would recommend the most is Tri Salts. It is a powerful combination of three of the most highly alkaline minerals, potassium, calcium & magnesium. Click here to get Tri Salts – it’s effective and affordable.
- Exercise: Exercise is the single most important variable in the fight against osteoporosis. Physical activity that puts some form of strain or stress on bones causes the bones to retain and possibly even gain density throughout its life. In a 2004 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine (you have to register to read – it’s free though), a 26-month controlled trial showed that Bone Mass Density remained stable in the group of participants who exercised regularly, whereas in the non-exercise group BMD decreased.
Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology highlighted that ‘continued participation in impact sports is beneficial for the skeletal health of males’.
Finally, this study in Pediatrics in 2000 showed that while exercise had a significant bearing on hip BMD, the intake of dairy calcium did not.
Examples of exercises that are beneficial includes:
- Weight baring activities such as running, walking, climbing and skating
- Resistance/strength training: weight training, weight machines, resistance bands and water training are all great for your bones
- Back strengthening exercises – help improve posture and reduce stress on your spine
- Avoid Acids: this goes without saying really, as proven by the points and studies shown above. However, the PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine), Harvard Health and also Osteoporosis Australia recommend avoiding the following specifically:
- Smoking
- Animal protein
- Packaged, refined and salty foods
- Caffeine
- Sugar
- Sunshine:: Vitamin D from the sun is also found to be important, as it controls the body’s use of calcium. Exposure to sunlight for fifteen minutes per day enables the body to provide it’s own ample supply.
And there you have it! Simple, scientifically backed and easy to start right here, right now!
So why not get started on making your bones strong and healthy!
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Of course, calcium from dairy products is another natural source to help protect your bones. Also, a regular amount of water does prevent bones from becoming brittle over the long run.
But the dairy actually causes excess acidity in the system (due to the lactose etc) and this leads to calcium and other alkaline minerals being drawn from the body (often the bones) causing bone weakness.
I agree that calcium supplements and veggies such as broccoli are excellent for bone health. I also agree about weight bearing exercises helping increase or at least stabilize bone mass.
However, dairy is a very important component of excellent bone health, and dairy contains important protein.
I am on a prescription drug, Fosamax, which is excellent. Because I had chemo years ago, it leached bone mass, so even though I was doing all the right things (was in great shape and did weight-bearing exercises, ate right, took supplements, etc.), my body was still losing bone mass.
A year after being on Fosamax, my bone density increased!! Not all prescription drugs are bad, and often it’s the lesser of the two evils. Osteoporosis is worse to me than the effects of the medication I take. I pray that the Fosamax continues its excellent work.
Some of the side effects from prescription drugs for osteoporosis are down right frightening. Thanks for you information on natural supplements that help this disorder. The readers to Take Charge of Your Health Care Carnival will appreciate these tips.
I suffer from osteoporosis and have given up prescription drugs in favour of supplements. I use pH booster and pH ion blue and have just ordered Osteo Plus.
I am surprised at the magnesium content. I always understood that if it is less or more than 50% of the calcium content then the ingredients are not balanced. In addition I understood that the most absorbable forms of both calcium and magnesium are the citrate forms and all others are poorly absorbed.
I am so saturated with information on supplements that I hedge my bets and take a different brand each day!
I await your comment. By the way I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate all the information and articles you provide in the newsletters.
Best regards,
Kathy Burrell