3 Fast Alkaline Breakfasts To Make You Feel Refreshed And Ready To Take On The World

perfectly balanced breakfast recipes

Fast Alkaline Breakfast Recipes

How great would it be leaving the house in the morning knowing you had already had the perfect balance of nutrients your body needs?

To know you had set your day up to be a huge win, after only 5 minutes spent in the kitchen (we all know how busy mornings can be)…?

Having the RIGHT breakfast makes an incredible difference to you energy, cravings and performance throughout the whole day.

And the food decisions you make within that first hour of waking are crucial.

Get it wrong and your hormones and blood sugar, your metabolism and energy levels, your digestion and brain performance – these all get stuffed and face a huge uphill battle to recover.

But get it right and the day is effortless.

As always, my whole approach to the alkaline diet and getting you to your health goals is simple: just give your body the tools it needs to thrive and it will repay you tenfold.

What Makes the Perfect Breakfast

Upon waking, your body starts the day’s cycle – your blood sugar levels and insulin levels, cortisol levels, metabolism, the balancing of the melatonin that ends the sleep cycle and prepares the next…these all run on cycles, starting with you waking – and most importantly WHAT you eat for breakfast and WHEN you eat it…

To properly nourish the body and get it set up for success your breakfast should try to follow at least these rules while eliminating the foods below:

  1. Eat within 60 minutes (preferably 30 minutes) of waking
  2. Include protein – at least 7-8g
  3. Include fibre, any kind is fine – soluble, insoluble and resistant starch – a mix is best
  4. Healthy fats – this is critical: coconut oil, omega 3, and a combination from olive oil, avocado, nuts, seeds etc

→ And eliminate these breakfast energy killers:

  1. Gluten containing grains – wheat, rye, spelt (i.e. toast, pop tarts, pastries, regular breakfast cereals)
  2. Sugar – particularly fructose-containing sugar (flavoured yoghurts, jams, regular breakfast cereals, fruit juice) – see more on sugar here
  3. Dairy products (milk, yoghurt)
  4. Processed meat (bacon, sausages etc.)

If you can hit these rules and avoid these energy killers you will soon notice how incredible you’re SUPPOSED to feel in the morning!

Three 5-Minute Breakfasts That Tick Every Box

So today I’m giving you my three faves that meet all of these criteria and get you off to a FLYING start.

By consuming one of these three fast alkaline breakfasts every day you will notice very quickly that you have improvements with:

  • Memory & mental focus
  • Staying fuller for longer and no snack attacks mid morning
  • Far less sugar & carb cravings
  • Better moods
  • Weight loss (if needed)
  • Soothed digestion and reduction of reflux conditions
  • Calmed inflammation, aches and pains

And because breakfast can be such a hectic time getting out of the door – I have tailored and developed these recipes to make them FAST and easy.

Let’s do it:

Breakfast 1: Perfectly Balanced, High Alkaline Breakfast Smoothie

breakfast smoothie

This is a consistent favourite in my house, and with visiting friends and family too. It tastes delicious, contains greens but doesn’t taste of greens, and has everything you need to get the day off to the PERFECT start:

CLICK HERE for the recipe

This recipe contains 12g protein per serve and 18.5g fibre – which is over half your daily needs and from a blend of sources, which is ideal. If you include the kidney beans you’re going to be over 20g and include that resistant starch too.

And fats…from the coconut oil, cashews, almonds, avocado, chia, greens…you’re getting plenty!

Breakfast 2: Creamy Coconut & Vanilla Bircher Pots


The second of our fast alkaline breakfasts is a pre-prepared beauty is a thing of wonder. Containing an abundance of everything you need to get moving and balance your body’s processes, cycles and ignite the metabolism – this tastes like a real treat.


CLICK HERE for the recipe

Breakfast 3: Chai-Infused Quinoa Porridge

quinoa porridge

This chai-spice inspired quinoa porridge is HUGELY anti-inflammatory while having those important protein/fibre/fat-rich ingredients too.

It’s a warming option for everyone reading this in winter!


CLICK HERE for the recipe

Without the Right Nutrients at Breakfast the Body Goes into Hormonal, Acidic, Inflammatory Turmoil…

If you’ve ever had daytime fatigue, mid-morning and mid-afternoon slumps and sugar cravings, disturbed sleep or difficulty getting to/staying asleep, easy weight gain but difficult weight loss, poor memory or concentration during the day, aches and pains….

Your breakfast could easily be the culprit. The hormonal imbalances caused by a lack of (or the wrong kind of) breakfast are devastating and far-reaching.

If you don’t get these healthy fats, fibre and protein at breakfast your blood sugar and insulin will go on a haywire journey of spikes and troughs…knocking on to your cortisol levels, with high cortisol needed to mop up the damage of the high insulin…needed because of the high blood sugar…

The constant need for insulin (for the high blood sugar) and cortisol (for the high insulin) completely stresses your adrenals, which knocks on to the thyroid, pituitary…and practically every other area of your hormone-regulating system (your endocrine system).

All you’ve got to do it stick to these three, super-fast, super-simple breakfasts and you’re going to be thriving!
Sometimes having an energised body and reaching the health of our dreams is a LOT easier than we’ve been led to believe – and getting breakfast sorted is one of those things.

Keep it simple and let’s do this!


Read Next: The “Bulletproof” TEA that’s adrenal-healing, alkaline, anti-inflammatory and will make you FLY in the mornings!

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Wendy Reply

    Unfortunately when I click on the link to the recipe for Creamy Coconut & Vanilla Bircher Pots, it instead takes me to the page that features the recipe for Alkaline Recipe #160: Coconut Chia Cream Pot instead. I can’t seem to locate the Coconut Bircher one anywhere here on this site?

  2. carol Reply

    Are these recipes ok if you have had your gallbladder removed and have a hietus hernia

  3. Lynn Reply

    I just found your site and it is so informative. I have been reading some natural osteoporosis help sites and they recommend plain unsweetened yogurt (cow) as a great calcium source and claim that it is one of the only dairy items that is alkaline when you digest it. I see that you do not recommend it at all. Please let me know your thoughts. It is very hard to get enough calcium in food.

    • ross Reply

      Yep, dairy is not alkaline forming in the least. It causes a net calcium loss. I definitely do not recommend this. There is plenty of calcium in alkaline-forming foods. Some examples:

      Kale: calcium content per one cup – 90.45mg
      Collard Greens: calcium content per one cup – 80.35mg
      Turnip Greens: calcium content per one cup – 105mg
      Broccoli: calcium content per one cup – 43mg
      Bok Choy: calcium content per one cup – 75mg
      Mustard Greens: calcium content per one cup – 100mg
      Spinach: calcium content per one cup – 100mg
      Swiss Chard: calcium content per one cup – 75mg
      Almonds: calcium content per one cup – 251mg.
      Sesame Seeds: calcium content per one cup – 1,404 mg
      Chia Seeds: calcium content per one cup – 631mg

  4. Jackie Dhaeyere Reply

    Hi there, I am trying unsuccessfully to find the recipe for coconut and vanilla bircher pots. Please can to e-mail it to me? Many thanks

  5. Rebecca Reply

    It might be me but I can’t get the recipe for those three things. Possible they could be emailed to me. [email protected] thanks

  6. Diana Reply

    Great recipes – great advice.

    • ross Reply

      Pleasure 🙂

  7. Carrie Ds Reply

    Thank you for sharing Ross! I’m hooked to the spiced quinoa, warming for winter and simply delicious!!

  8. Susana Reply

    Is this stuff good for ulcerative colitis?

  9. Susan Vail Reply

    Thank you for all the work you do and educating and providing recipes. I have to watch my carb and sugar…..is there any way these could be included especially for the breakfast above. Thank you so much for your dedication to helping us. Susan

  10. Chrissie Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Are oats alkaline? Would buckwheat flakes be a good substitute?

    • Karen Lee LeBourgeois Reply

      How much protein and fiber are in Breakfast# 2 and 3?

  11. Annette Dolan Reply

    I am concerned about coconut as it has recently be proven to clog arteries. Have you read this latest research. To much can lead to heart failure.

  12. Alexandra Da Silva Reply

    I’d like to start eating health and alkaline diet sounds really good, the problem that I have no matter I read about alkaline diet and receipts they don’t come with calories that I suppose to eat , to lose weigh.
    your advise will be much appreciated.

    thank you ,

  13. Niki Reply

    The quinoa recipe is by far my favourite of the three! Never thought of adding clove to the mix, gotta try.

  14. Marie Reply

    Is gluten free porridge suitable

    • ross Reply

      Absolutely 🙂

  15. Claudette Reply

    Thank you this blog for all of the healing recipes. I was recently diagnosed with acute gastritis and chronic inflammation of the stomach attributable to prolonged use of ibuprofen and I believe megadoses of Turmeric that I believed were acceptable alternatives to opiates for severe stenosis and spondylolisthesis. No gastroenterologist had any knowledge of the potential effect of turmeric causing stomach irritation. The secondary complications put me in the hospital three times and each time I was released there was no nutritional guidance offered to me regarding an alkalizing diet, so I am doing the research on my own. That said, I am confused about conflicting information regarding the consumption of grains including oats and quinoa and tomatoes and onions. Some say these items should be eliminated at least during a 2-week induction period, while others say they do not produce acidic ash. Please advise.

  16. Alanda chatman Reply

    I’m allergic to coconut so what would I use to subsitute

  17. Karen Chaston Reply

    Hi Ross

    Love all your recipes – Thank You

    I’ve sent you a couple of emails with no response. Do you have an affiliate program as I’d love to direct people to you and your website, from a 13 week on-line program I am creating called Less of You: More of Yourself.

    Look forward to hearing from you

    With Gratitude
    Karen Chaston

  18. Karen Reply

    These Ideas are exactly what I needed !
    Why is it important to get the gluten free oats ? aren’t all oats gluten free ?
    Where I live – the gluten free kind cost 13 USD a pound vs 2.6 USD for the plain organic kind.

  19. Rose Reply

    Could you please provide calories, carbs, fats and proteins for each breakfast?

  20. judith Babyak Reply

    Making the quinoa porridge. Where does the 2 cups of water come in. Is that for cooking the quinoa or is it added after it is cooked and drained? A little confusing

    • Tom Reply

      The water is for cooking the quinoa. Or just follow the package instructions. It cooks up quickly and is delicious!

  21. Patricia Reply

    These all sound good and just what i was looking for. Don’t see how much clove to add to the last recipe though.

    • Tom Reply

      Just a “pinch” of cloves if you choose to use it. It’s a strong spice. You can always taste and add a dash more if needed. I prefer cinnamon or nutmeg personally.
