Alkaline Recipe #44 Omega Muesli

omega muesli

Omega Muesli Recipe: The Fat-Rich, Filling & Delicious Start to the Day

Strictly speaking, this probably comes under the ‘transitional’ banner – but I will have this for brekkie perhaps once a week. It is a great, filling home-made muesli that is full of Essential Fatty Acids and is therefore great for your body, your skin in particular.

You can have it with whatever type of non-dairy milk you prefer, and I actually have it with very little milk at all. In fact, sometimes I have even been known to have it with a little soy yoghurt and half an apple as a weekend treat. Almond milk is probably the nicest and so easy to make too.

You can make this in bulk as a dry mix and store it. In an airtight container it will keep for weeks.

Omega Muesli

Serves 2


Organic oats (oats are naturally gluten free, but can contain traces if milled with wheat – if you are coeliac, get GF oats)
1/2 cup of LSA mix (linseed, sunflower seed and almond meal) – or you can just use ground flax, almonds or other nut/seed.
Handful of roughly sliced, raw almonds
Handful of pumpkin seeds
Teaspoon of chia seeds
Almond milk/rice milk to taste

Optional to serve:

Coconut yoghurt (my personal favourite)
A few fresh berries or a sliced fig (see my note on fruit here)


Erm…make it! Just mix it all together and serve with the nut milk. If you can’t find LSA mix then simply go for whichever ‘meal/ground’ you like or can find. All health food shops stock something that will work with this, be it ground flax, ground almonds and so on.

Let me know what you think!

p.s. this is just one of the awesome recipes from the Alkaline Recipe System – which features over 200+ recipes, meal plans and more to get you alkaline easily and enjoyably – and for life! It includes dozens of delicious breakfast recipes!

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

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  1. Diane Reply

    How to get the extra bonus items as I have ur new book

  2. Diane Reply

    I have already purchased ur new book how do I get all the other bonus’s

  3. Kerry Reply

    Hi Ross, I love oats but have read they are acidic. So now I am a little confused. I know you will have the right answer πŸ™‚

    • ross Reply

      Definitely not. Nothing acidic about oats at all.

  4. Joan Pruce Reply

    I am excited about your alkaline program and plan on purchasing your Alkaline Recipe System.

    What can I replace tofu with as I absolutely do not like it?
    Also, I am praying this program will help clear up my skin problems which I believe is eczema.

    Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Joan Pruce

    • ross Reply

      Definitely clears skin – very effective for it.

      For tofu, you can simply omit from 99% of recipes that have it (which in the entire Recipe System, I think I use tofu twice πŸ™‚ )

  5. Diane Reply

    Hi, Do you ever eat egg whites or are eggs not good altogether?

  6. Nancy Richmond Reply

    What can be used in place of Oats? I cannot even eat GF oats πŸ™

  7. Susan Marrison Reply

    Hi Ross. I just happened to find your site, wonderful information. My question is we try to eat mainly berries and veggies that are organic but we also eat organic beef and chicken wondering what the portion size should be per person? I remember you saying 70% alkaline 30% acidic which I know meat is.
    Thanks Susan

  8. Bobbi Reply

    I have hypothyroidism and consuming large amounts of raw cruciferous veggies is not recommended. In your raw food recipes, is it acceptable to lightly steam the questionable veggies first?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Bobbi

      If you want to be absolutely super certain you can steam them first as this basically removes the question. However, I personally believe the goitrogenic factor has been blown WAY out of proportion for the sake of hype and website clicks. I am about to create a new guide and perhaps a video on this exact topic, watch this space.


  9. Debbie Reply

    I know chia is healthy but I cannot stand the gelatinous texture. Any suggestions?

    • ross Reply

      Put it in smoothies πŸ™‚

  10. Bhupinder Kaur Reply

    Hi Ross, is this diet ok for my mom who just find out by her medical report she is have early stage breast cancer. And which Alkaline water brand she have to buy? Thanks

  11. Colin Forde Reply

    I eat unsweetened museli out of Holland and Barrett every morning topped with a generous layer of raspberries. Is this ok. I have Prostate Cancer spread to bones.

  12. ann-maree Reply

    LSA is a wonderful food but should NEVER be bought in a packet already made up. The reason is that the oils in the nuts and seeds are prone to oxidiation and go rancid easily. The best way to have LSA (and other nuts and seeds for that matter) is to buy them unground from somewhere that has a high turnover of produce, then grind them yourself. If you make enough for about a week then store them in an airtight container in the freezer. Freezing slows oxidatiion but doesn’t stop it, hence make relatively small quantities and freeze.

    • mel Reply

      Yes, great point Ann-Maree!

  13. Truman Anderson Reply

    Wonderful, Ross! I also eat some Chia seed in the morning along with some green powder. I work as a carpenter and drink about a gallon of alkaline water during the day. Keep up the good work!
    Truman Anderson

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Truman – thanks for the nice words. You’ve posted here before haven’t you? I recognise your name!

      Keep up the hydration, I’m sure it’s doing great things for you.

  14. Janni Reply

    which part of the recipe makes it a transistion food?

  15. geri Reply

    ok…this all sounds great, buy what do you do if you cannot eat oxalate foods? I became a vegan last year and passed 7 kidney stones. I noticed that almost every recipe has spinach and that is a TOTAL no no with me unless I drink a gallon of water after consuming a quarter of a cup.

    • ross Reply

      Hey Geri – this recipe contains no spinach. The oxalate issue is largely over estimated by most too. Research has also found that if you lightly steam the spinach first the issue disappears. Hope this helps.

