Alkaline Recipe #216 & 217: High-Potassium Juice & Smoothie Recipe
This high-potassium juice could be a life-saver for millions of people…
Last week I sent you a video and guide explaining how your sodium-to-potassium ratio was the biggest risk factor for heart disease, and how 95% of people have it completely out of balance.
We HAVE to consume way more potassium than we do sodium, but because of our reliance of packaged, processed foods – we’re doing it completely the wrong way around. Instead of a ratio of 2:1 up to 4:1 potassium to sodium, most people are consuming more around 6:1 sodium to potassium!
Research has proven this to be the biggest risk factor for heart disease. Not total salt consumed. We have spent the last 30-40 years worrying about how much salt people are eating, when the research has shown this to be almost irrelevant. It’s the balance of potassium to sodium that is most important.
I explain everything in the guide here: Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio & Heart Disease
Getting Enough Potassium Can Be Hard!
If you’re not already consuming a diet that is rich in green, alkaline foods, veggies, salads, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, healthy oils and so on (see my guide to the 7 Most Alkaline Foods here – they’re all rich in potassium, and download my Definitive List of Alkaline & Acid Foods Here) – then getting enough potassium daily (at least 4,000mg) can be tricky.
It’s abundant in fresh, natural foods – but very low in processed foods.
So these two high-potassium recipes are a HUGE help – they will help you to 50% or more of your daily potassium needs before you’ve even left the house in the morning!
I’ve included both a High-Potassium Juice and a Potassium-Rich Smoothie because I know not everyone has both a juicer and a blender – so there is no excuses!
Recipe #1: High-Potassium Juice
Serves 2
1 cucumber
2 sticks of celery
75g spinach
75g kale
½ bell pepper
2 carrots
Coconut water or filtered water to taste
Potassium Content: 1921mg
Simply wash, chop and juice the ingredients! Serve with a squeeze of fresh lemon if it’s too green-tasting for you!
Recipe #2: High-Potassium Smoothie
Serves 2
1 avocado
1 cucumber
75g spinach
75g kale (stalks removed)
50g romaine lettuce
2 tomatoes
Coconut milk or water to taste
1tbsp coconut oil
Potassium Content: 2334mg
Wash, chop and blend the ingredients together! Add more coconut milk or coconut water to get the taste you’re after.
These serve 2, so feel free to make the whole quantity, and keep one for tomorrow or later in the day as a snack. If you have TWO times the High-Potassium Juice or Smoothie during the day – just this will meet your daily potassium needs. How great is that?
Remember – you can get the full low-down on the importance of your potassium-to-sodium ratio here.
Related Resources
The Alkaline Recipe Centre
The Definitive List of Alkaline Foods
The Alkaline Diet Explained & Simplified
The Alkaline Recipe System & Meal Plans
The Seven Most Alkaline Foods to Include & Seven Most Acidic Foods to Avoid
Why You HAVE to Quit Sugar

Couldn’t fit all the ingredients into my blender, so I divided the High-Potassium Smoothie recipe in half, except for using 100 grams of avocado. This made one serving. Coconut milk and coconut oil have no potassium listed, so I used 8 ounces of coconut water, which has a lot. I didn’t like the final taste, so I added 4 ounces of organic apple juice, which also has potassium and it cut the bitter taste. My mixture totaled about 1837 mg of potassium for one serving.
Would this help with swollen feet? Apparently this can be due to low potassium levels. Thanks.
Hi firstly we’re to l subscribe for updates?
Hi could you advise best simple not many ingredients for inflammation CTS ? I have a neutral bullet..l love raw spinach so things to go with that..also things that are easy to prepare because of painful wrist…thank you
what is the recommendation of himalayan salt a day?
Thank you
As much as you would naturally have in the recipes you eat. There is not a within reason upper limit with natural salt like this. It interacts in the body in an entirely different way to sodium chloride (regular processed table salt).
My potassium is super low, but my ph alkaline is consistently running high. Wouldn’t the high alkaline raise my alkaline further?
How are you testing your pH? I find most people are testing incorrectly and it leads to misleadingly high results. Here’s a guide how to do it correctly:
I would love to do your potassium drinks, but I am currently doing Keto. Do you know the carb content of these?
Not off the top of my head, but I recommend
Also, check out:
this is exactly what i have been looking for. I recently had a stroke, im recovering, but my bp was still too high, and im stuck on bp meds… a low carb dieter and consequently eat a lot of low carb stuff, but skipped a ton of veggies and fruits, etc….
did some research and found the potassium/sodium balance is the issue, found your article and will try this….i just really need to get my pressure down, im at 110/86, im hoping balancing the potassium will help get that down where the doc wants it.
Hey Frank
Glad we’ve found each other. Sorry to hear about your stroke (a good friend just had one – scary, but good for you for seeking out natural health to prevent another!).
The potassium will definitely assist with your goals. With low carb also make sure you’re getting enough healthy fat too.
Isn’t 110/86 a normal blood pressure reading?
I mean juice recipe????
So the just recipe has 1921 mg per serving it makes two servings so if I drink the whole thing I will get aproxamately 4000mg of potassium
I am having problems keeping my potassium level up. Currently it is down and giving me problems with both my legs (cramping,swelling and muscle spasms) and hard to walk. Am taking potassium tablets 2xday. (ordered by dr) Was wanting some easy smoothie fruit recipes that are high in potassium and easy.
This question is not about potassium, but I am wondering about homemade Kefir. If it is made with pasteurized cow’s milk, where does it sit on the acid alkaline chart.
Acidic, but way better (whey better, ahahah) than non-kefir milk – as keffering removes a lot of the lactose and lowers d-galactose. I’ll be posting more on probiotics later this week.
Ross is the recipe book an ebook or something you will send me that i can hold in my hand?? thanks
Hi Ross..
I am not good at downloading your information what is the best way to get help to recieved all the ingredients direct to me.
I hve hogh blood pressure and suffer from headaches everyday and I have serve eczema and constanly tired for no reason
Hey Ferris
If you register at the top of the site you’ll get my weekly email newsletter – this is definitely the easiest way.
I don’t understand the concept of the juices. It seems to me that you could do the same foods you juice and make another smoothy and then you would get all the fiber too. I like the smoothies better. Is there any reason not to make it as a smoothy instead of a juice? I hate the waste and the cleanup of juicing and have read other places not to juice leafy greens. I was thinking I could juice the not leafy vegitables and juice the others and combine them. what do you think?
Hi Cheryl
Lots of micro-questions in here!
Here’s some guides to help answer them:
Juices vs Smoothies:
Leafy Greens, Oxalates & Your Health:
These recipes are fantastic. I have a juice of cucumber, celery, carrots and beets that I make regularly but will definetly add these 2 recipes to my juice repertoire. You are changing the world Ross Bridgeford and its greatly appreciated from Montréal Canada. Please accept a profound sense of gratitude and thanks for the outstanding work you are doing. Leila McIlwraith.
Thanks so much Leila and keep on doing what you’re doing!
Is it better that I am using a blender device (nutrition-bullet) rather than a juicer as I am guilty of going heavy on the fruit? I’ve read you state that fructose without the fiber reeks the havoc on the body, so I’m hoping that keeping the fiber in there helps? I am slowly cutting down on my consumption, but I love fruit!
Hi Jay
I really encourage you to ditch fruits from your drinks you’re making and just eat it whole. Even with the fibre in the smoothie, you’re still going to be giving your liver a massive hit of fructose all at once, and we tend to juice and smoothie way more fruit than we’d normally eat in a sitting.
Stick to fruit as a delicious snack rather than a smoothie ingredient.
If I can’t eat celery or bell peppers will the drink still taste ok…or should I try another recipe?
Hey Yvonne!
Yep, you can still have it for sure, add more cucumber and leafy greens 🙂
Charolette here, Ross, “DITTO” on your as Elizabeth expressed it . YOU ARE INVALUABLE!!!!! Thanks for all you do!
Could you use some recipes without night shades, as some of us can not use these veggies. Thank you.
Hey Ron
I don’t buy into the nightshades argument. The concept of the alkaloids that act as insect repellants and thus stimulate our immune system (or rather, overstimulate it) doesn’t carry enough weight. The only vegetables that are seen to produce these alkaloids are potatoes, and only after they’re out of the ground for a long time and turn green.
However, if you’d feel safer leaving them out, you can substitute them. In these recipes, you can simply leave out the bell pepper and tomato if you like.
Hi Ross
I’m currently going through the menopause can you recommend a juice I can have preferably vegetable based more than fruiit to help with the symptoms ie hot sweats, racing heart, high blood pressure etc
Hi Roxi
Your body is crying out for support to help balance your hormones and fend off inflammation. Any of my juice recipes will help with this, but especially:
How much coconut water do you add to the juice and how much coconut milk to the smoothie?
Loving the alkaline recipes
Hey Penny
It’s totally up to you – you can add none, or heaps. Whatever suits your tastebuds/texture preferences!
Thanks Ross. You’re invaluable!
x Elizabeth
Thanks Elizabeth!