21 Alkaline Recipes to Boost Your Energy
Having more energy is NOT achieved by going to bed earlier or waking up later. It’s not going to come from having stimulants like coffee and tea.
Abundant, natural, sustained, all-day energy comes from fuelling your body with the tools it needs to thrive.
This is the entire premise of Live Energized in a nutshell. Give your body the tools it needs and it will repay you tenfold.
When the body is constantly having to work to maintain your must-have homeostasis of pH 7.365 (and to dispel the myth the alkaline diet is not about changing your pH – it’s about supporting your body in maintaining it) – when we are constantly eating foods that are acid-forming, this effort to keep the pH at 7.365 is EXHAUSTING.
By eating alkaline you not only fuel your body with an avalanche of nutrients, but you remove the work required to balance your pH. The outcome?
You have a TON of energy!
And in this guide, I give you 21 delicious, nourishing, easy-to-make alkaline recipes that will cleanse your digestive system (the body’s REAL energy centre) and fuel you with nutrients to clear the mental fog and leave you feeling vibrant and energized!
21 Delicious Alkaline Recipes for Your BEST EVER ENERGY!
I’ve separated them into breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks…with a couple of desserts thrown in there too!
Alkaline Base Camp Member Extra
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This month we focus on strengthening and fortifying the body against cancer with our monthly meal plan, recipes and shopping list (to follow the menu). Every meal planned out for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks – with a menu for beginner’s and advanced.
MEMBERS: Click here to access your Monthly Meal Plan
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PS. this month the Expert Interview is with the incredible Ty Bollinger of The Truth About Cancer – do not miss this!
21 Alkaline Recipes for Energy
1. Chai-Spice Infused Quinoa Porridge
I know breakfasts are often the hardest to make both alkaline AND delicious, so I truly hope you love this one! Of course, if you don’t mind steamed broccoli every morning for your alkaline breakfast then you’re fine, but I know that’s about 1% of the population.
So here is my latest alkaline recipe to make breakfast yummy for you. I LOVE the chai flavours, so this is mouthwatering to me! Just thinking about it is getting me going!
It’s also a rich source of alkaline protein, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory flavanoids, healthy omega 3s, alkaline minerals and more from the quinoa; anti-clotting and anti-microbial compounds in the cinnamon; antibacterial, heart healthy nutmeg; more anti-inflammatory action and alkaline minerals from the cloves AND lots of fibre all round!
What a start to the day, while also being filling, yummy and warming!
2. Super Nutrient Breakfast Bowl
This super-filling breakfast ticks all of the boxes: high protein, high fiber, high green-content, DELICIOUS!
It’s a cooked, warming and flavorsome brekkie that definitely mixes things up from the usual day-to-day stuff, but really takes very little time and effort. I particularly LOVE the sauce that comes with this one…
3. The Coconut Chia Cream Pots!
This one is SO gooooood it could also be included as a dessert. It takes very little effort but is flippin’ amazing. The omega 3 content from the chia is a huge win at breakfast, and the saturated fats from the coconut make it even better (if you’re still worried about saturated fats, read the absolutely conclusive evidence here that these fats are not only good for you, but essential.)
This one is ridiculously delicious – please, please, please give this a try. It will revolutionise your breakfast forever.
4. The Soothing Gut Healing Soup
This soup is filled with digestive-supporting, anti-inflammatory, alkaline foods that gently sooth and heal the gut – also known as our ‘second brain’. The gut is seriously important. If it is not working efficiently every single other organ and function in our body suffers.
If you’re feeling fatigued, I assure you this issue starts in the gut. This soup helps solve that.
Probably my most loved recipe. Everyone who tries this emails to tell me that they (AND their family) love it! It’s filling, warming, satisfying, easy to make, can be made in bulk and frozen and it’s delicious.
This is a fantastically filling soup, with each serve giving you a whopping 13g of fibre – that is over HALF of your recommended daily amount. That’s right HALF of it! It is also high in healthy fats, high in protein and full of celery, garlic and tomatoes – which give you an alkaline kick. Cannelini beans are also high in manganese, potassium and magnesium – which are highly alkaline minerals.
So fibre + protein + alkaline minerals = winner.
6. The Live Dirty, Eat Clean Bowl
Filling. Nutritionally perfectly balanced. Delicious. What more is there to say about this complete meal-in-a-bowl.
The turmeric provides a huge anti-inflammatory hit, the kale is dense with alkaline, cleansing chlorophyll, the chickpeas provide immense fibre and cancer-fighting properties, the quinoa provides protein and healthy fats…the list could go on.
This is a knockout of a meal.
7. Raw Pad Thai (with Zucchini Noodles)
I love this recipe for it’s simplicity, nutrient density and the fact that it’s taken one of my previously favourite ‘unhealthy’ recipes – pad thai.
It’s pretty much entirely raw, it’s delicious, vegan and very readily accepted by non-alkalisers if you want to serve it to your family and friends!
8. Chickpea (Garbanzo) Korma with Brown Rice
Chickpeas are a hit with me. Known to our American friends as Garbanzo beans – they are tasty, filling and perfect for this dish.
Most people don’t realise that chickpeas are also pretty darn healthy, and are full of fibre – which makes them great for digestion, as well as manganese (an alkaline mineral), folate and importantly for all your gym-going-athletes out there – protein.
9. Aubergine Stew with Spicy Chick-Peas
This alkaline and spicy aubergine and chick pea stew can be found all over the Mediterranean and as with most of the Mediterranean dishes this stew is packed with a range of spices, which gives it its different flavours and gets your taste buds tingling.
Apart from being extremely delicious it is also very healthy and alkaline, as aubergines and chick peas are packed with nutrients, which are important for good health. Aubergines are a good source of folic acid and potassium and also help the formation of free radicals. Chickpeas contain high levels of protein, zinc and folate.
10. Creamy Vegan Cashew Dressing (Caesar Alternative)
This is one of my new favourites!
It’s a 3-ingredient, 5-minute dressing that can be used on practically anything
It’s a bit like a Caesar Dressing, but dairy-free, gluten-free, acid-free, sugar-free and really rather alkaline!
This dip is delicious. Simply stunning.
I love the fact that it is SO delicious, SO green and SO easy to make…
I’m all about making the alkaline diet as easy and achievable as possible, and this recipe fits that so well because it can make even the most simple of your other alkaline recipes more exciting as a dip or a dressing, plus it’s highly alkaline and really easy.
Love it!
It will make you a Goddess or Adonis…and do the same for your partner!
12. Red Pepper, Walnut and Almond Omega Spread
This spread is absolutely brilliant for delivering a huge hit of omega 3, without you having to down a spoon of Udo’s or Flax oil!
It’s delicious, nutty and easy to make and is really versatile to use on a variety of dishes as a dip, spread, topping or to go with any number of steamed veggies to add some flavour punch!
While walnuts are not the most alkaline of nuts, the quantity in this recipe is not concerning, and they still deliver a LOT of omega 3 even at just a quarter of a cup.
13. The Super-Fast High Protein Alkaline Snack
This is an amazingly quick snack recipe you can knock together in the morning and take with you to work. It’s simple and delicious. The combination of healthy fats, protein and fibre mean it will fill you up easily until your next meal time.
These easy-to-make crackers are my new best friend. It’s simply a combination of chia seeds and other seeds (think pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds etc) with water and a little spice for flavouring (cayenne pepper, cumin, chilli or even some crushed garlic) mixed and baked on a low heat.
It makes a delicious, filling, nutrient dense snack that keeps you going for ages. Very moreish too!
These wraps are GENIUS! People often tell me how hard it is to find sprouted wraps so these are the perfect, alkaline answer!
They are great for a healthy lunch if you are on the go or a quick alkaline snack in between.
I really like normal wraps, but then thought – I also love San Choy Bow…hmmm…I have an idea here – how great and more alkaline it would be if you swapped out the bread wraps with something more alkaline and healthy … lettuce of course!
These are now legendary in my household – I hope you love them too!
This is THE definitive Alkaline Green Drink that I have been making as a staple in my life for over 11 years and it rocks!
Packed full of alkaline veggies, this nutrient-dense green juice will nourish your entire body from top to bottom!
It is my basic-green drink, but really, you don’t need to get any more complex than this – it is a phenomenal hit of greens, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and alkalinity!
17. The Fat Flushing Alkaline Juice
This fat-fighting, nutrient-dense juice is one of my absolute favourites. I love it.
It tastes great, really, really great and it contains just five ingredients. But every single one of them is nutritious, alkalizing and simply brilliant for weight loss.
18. The Nourishing Liver Regeneration Juice
This simple juice contains so many liver nourishing and rebuilding ingredients and it tastes fantastic.
The liver is one of the most hardworking organs in the body, filtering the blood, creating proteins, producing bile, synthesising cholesterol, storing and releasing energy and nutrients – and most of all detoxifying and processing all of the stuff we put in.
So to help it out we want to give it nutrients that do two things:
1) nourish it to enable it to run at full capacity
2) assist with the detoxification load so it isn’t as stressed
This juice does exactly those things, in a handy little glass of deliciousness.
19. The Acid-Crushing Reflux Relief Smoothie
I LOVE this smoothie because it is alkaline, easy to make, delicious and tastes quite different from the normal alkaline green smoothies.
Containing loads of spices, it’s smooth, creamy and a real treat.
It’s optional whether you want to keep this as a ‘milky/creamy’ tasting drink, or add the kale/greens for extra alkalinity and reflux-busting calcium. Maybe try both and see which you like the best!
If you suffer from reflux, or if you want to prevent it… or if you just want to get more alkaline, this smoothie is just the thing you need!
20. The Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie
This is a delicious, alkaline-rich, incredibly anti-inflammatory smoothie that will knock your socks off.
No special ingredients or funky kit – it’s simple food used for it’s raw, delicious power.
Many studies have shown natural foods, especially ginger and turmeric to be MORE effective than prescription drugs (especially NSAIDs) in fighing inflammation!
This smoothie delivers a powerful hit of both of those foods PLUS a whole lot more proven anti-inflammatory foods to leave you feeling wonderful.
21. The All-Day Energy Smoothie
And finally, the energy smoothie. And this is not the buzzy, short-lived caffeine energy (and then crash) that so many of us try to survive on…
But, the kind of energy that gives you that positive feeling, the belief that you can take anything the world throws at you…
The kind of energy where you always feel like you can do your best…
And the kind of energy that leaves you excited and smiling and a joy to be around.
This is the recipe that gives you exactly that…

Hi Ross
Thank you for sharing all the useful info.
Could you suggest ways I can follow this diet AND put on weight please?
Hey Max
Check out my guide here: http://liveenergized.com/alkaline-diet-guides/alkaline-diet-gain-muscle-maintain-weight/
Hi Ross
Thanks for this – I love all your recipes. Do you have an affiliate program, as I would like to recommend people to you?
Look forward to hearing from you
With Gratitude
Karen Chaston
Hey Karen
I don’t have an aff program at this stage but once I do (if I do) I’ll be sure to let you know.