Get Rid of Stress Once and For All


Stressful events happen to all of us. We all feel stress.

Nobody wants to.

And while we can’t possibly have 100% control over the events that happen in our life, we can manage how these events affect us.

I can’t guarantee that your boss won’t suddenly tell you that you’ve got to present in front of 500 people tomorrow, on a subject you don’t know about, and your promotion depends on it – BUT I can guide you on dramatically changing the way your body processes stress and deals with stress. This much is absolutely in your control.

I promise you that this is true.

And I’m not talking positive thinking, Tony Robbins or meditation (this time!) I’m talking purely about your diet and lifestyle. And how you can easily, dramatically reduce the amount of stress you feel in your life.

What Stress Does and Why We Want Change – NOW!

Stress has such an overwhelmingly negative effect on every area of our lives, from our relationships to our weight and from our success at work to our energy. Stress is probably the most harmful negative emotion we experience and it is definitely highly acidic (causing havoc with our health)

According to a paper by Cecil McIntosh stress has had the following effects:

  • 50 million Americans have high blood pressure due to stress
  • 13% of deaths worldwide are related to stress
  • Stress is related to five million premature deaths every year
  • A report in Australia states that 16% of terminal kidney disease is caused by stress
  • And interestingly – a UK report shows that 66% of people being treated for stress/hypertension still have high blood pressure – and the author proffers that if you are being treated medically for stress, could it be that something other than medicine may help? Do you need more than tablets?

We’re certainly not sitting here all stressed out and helpless. Many billions of dollars are spent every year on stress relief – we actually are trying to reduce the stress in our life. Whether that means changing the way we eat, starting a new exercise plan, getting out of the office at lunchtime, taking a week away at a detox retreat, buying or being prescribed stress medication, seeking support from a group, mentor, councellor or booze – or overhauling our entire life from top to bottom – stress is something that is affecting millions of us and something that millions of us are wanting to remove.

The trick is to create an environment (your body) that manages stress and stressful events with a positive response, rather than an environment that is at the whim of fate, nasty people, pressure and whatever bad luck crosses our path.

With almost every health issue, the most common solutions involve managing symptoms – when it is already too late. I believe that is the worst mistake we, as a race, continually make.

Instead of letting things get bad and then doing something about it, let’s do everything we can to ensure that when something that has potentially stressful consequences comes along, we are best equipped to deal with it positively. Let’s stop (or minimise) potential stress before it realises its potential.

Stress & Emotions & Diet

What is amazing is how linked these two are, and how following an alkaline, healthy lifestyle can bring a massive improvement to your stress levels and naturally engender more positive emotions.

As I mentioned, there is no way that diet or lifestyle could impact the events that happen in your life. But life is all about meaning and how we react. More specifically, the quality of your life is directly influenced by the meaning you attach to experiences and the way you react to events. OK, so I did get a little Tony Robbins.

I propose that if you are leading an ‘unhealthy’ life (acidic foods, drinks and little to no exercise, not enough sleep, not enough daylight, not enough fresh air etc.) and you are constantly consuming foods that increase adrenaline and cortisol, and foods that cause massive blood sugar peaks and dips and if you are generally not looking after yourself then:

Your propensity to react with stress is FAR higher than if you do the opposite of this. When we are unhealthy and out of balance we tend to react in a much more negative way, even to the little things.

Alkaline Diet Recipe Book BannerFor example, from my own life, when I was working for a very, very large corporation there was a high propensity for things to cause stress – it was just that kinda workplace. I was working with long hours, tight deadlines and high expectations. It was also a very political environment (hi guys – love you all really).

There was nothing I could do about that. I couldn’t change this whole, global organisation to shift their culture entirely. That could be stress inducing in itself!

Working in this environment, I would predict that there would be up to five or six events that happened every day that could cause me to stress out. Deadlines in particular stress me out, particularly in an environment where support was not high on the agenda but proving yourself was.

As I got closer to a deadline how do you think my mental state would be (and therefore my reaction, emotion and behaviour) if I had:

  • had a late night last night
  • was on my fourth espresso at 3pm
  • had a slice of toast for brekkie, and skipped lunch, but had snacked on sweets/lollys to keep me going
  • had been in the office all day in artificial lights and aircon

I have actually done this before (I know, past life) and I can so clearly picture and almost feel, right now what my state would have been like.

Typing manically, making mistakes, unable to concentrate, extra worry, not doing my best, unable to clear the fog in my head, needing a break but running late on my work, expecting things are going to go badly (especially if there is a presentation involved), snapping at people, shallow breathing etc etc etc!

That last paragraph is me stressed.

Now picture the same circumstances but with the variables reversed:

  • I’d got 8 hours of quality sleep
  • Woken up at 6am to go for a 45 minute run
  • Had a long, lazy hot shower and a bit of a sing (TV on the Radio at the moment FYI)
  • Had a fresh vegetable juice and raw salad wrap for breakfast
  • Was on my third litre of quality, fresh water at 3pm
  • Took at least 30 mins out at lunch to get fresh air and sunlight

The way I’m picturing myself here is calm, relaxed, positive, refreshed and bursting with ideas and creative energy.

So when my boss walks in and gives me this news in scenario a my internal response would be:

“S**t, how the f**k am I going to do this? I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it. Why did this happen? Why did this happen to me? I’m never going to be able to get this done in time! I’m so angry with myself.”

In scenario b it would be:

“Right, let’s do it! Bring it on!”

Simplified example, but you know what I mean. When you are healthy, vibrant, and buzzing you are a million times more likely to be positive and success-oriented. When you are unhealthy, groggy, foggy and lacking energy you are a million times more likely to be negative, worried and of the ‘woe-is-me, why does this happen to me’ attitude.

Don’t you think?

Stress & Diet

Research has shown time and again how much diet can be linked to emotion and behaviour. Many studies have found a link between diet and depression, criminal behaviour and delinquency and most certainly stress.

If we really want to consistently put ourselves into a state where we react positively and with resourcefulness then there are two factors we need to focus on:

  1. The foods and drinks we need to restrict or stop consuming
  2. The foods and drinks we need to consume instead!

Foods & Drinks That Cause Stress

Excessive stress can definitely be managed with diet by adding the right foods and drinks to your daily repertoire, however, it is vital that if you suffer from stress you should avoid these foods and behaviours:

  • Caffeine: this is a bit of an obvious one, but it is well worth pointing out. Foods and drinks that increase either cortisol or adrenaline are serious contributors to stress. But don’t just stop if you’re used to several cups per day. Move slowly away from caffeine by switching to green tea for a few days to soften the blow! Green tea contains half of the amount of caffeine but also contains antioxidants which are always a bonus!
  • Animal and Dairy Products: these high-protein foods elevate brain levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, both of which are associated with higher levels of anxiety and stress
  • Alcohol: this might be one of the worlds most self-prescribed anti-stress drugs, but the irony is that alcohol actually increases stress as it is another adrenaline inducer.
  • Sugar: foods that are high in sugar cause two things to happen. Firstly, they cause a rollercoaster ride for your blood sugar levels, huge peaks and dips. During these dips stress hits you harder than ever before. Secondly, sugar is highly acidifying to the body, it ferments and wreaks havoc on your internal organs making you fatigued, cloudy and unable to concentrate. A large part of my suggestions will revolve around consuming foods and drinks that alkalise and cleanse the body.
  • Don’t skip meals: again, this causes blood sugar levels to get low leading to irritability, shakiness, an inability to concentrate and, ultimately, stress.

Foods & Behaviours that Reduce Stress

If you follow the above you will definitely get some way to reducing the stress in your life. As I mentioned above, this is not a suggestion that potentially stressful events will no longer occur – but that life is made up of how we experience things and the meaning we attach to them. And through diet and lifestyle we can ensure that we do everything possible to be in a mental condition or state whereby we are not as susceptible to becoming stressed or reacting in a way that is stressful.

  • Alkaline Foods: focusing your consumption on alkaline foods is one of the greatest gifts you can give your body. This is a post on stress so I won’t dwell too much on science or reasons here – but look at the facts – alkaline foods such as fresh vegetables, greens in particular, salads, raw, high water content foods, low sugar fruits, nuts, seeds, pulses, soy, healthy oils etc create an internal environment that is healthy, nourished, bursting with energy, mental clarity and wellness.You can’t go wrong if you are eating masses of these nutrient-dense foods and limiting the acid foods above (sugar, coffee, chocolate, unhealthy fats, unhealthy salts, dairy, fatty meat, alcohol, crisps, simple carbs, chips, fried food, refined food and fizzy drinks.

    These dietary choices have a massive impact on your health and therefore your emotions, mind and behaviour.

  • Slow Release Energy Foods: slow release energy foods (complex carbs) such as grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables such as broccoli and leafy greens release serotonin, a naturally occurring chemical that has a calming effect on the body and mind. Note, these foods are all alkaline. Also note, the foods that increase stress are all acid. I know I’m hammering this point but it makes it all such a simple solution.
  • Fresh Juices & Smoothies: my juices and smoothies I’m talking fresh vegetable juices and smoothies (follow those links for the recipes). These (of course) are alkaline, but more importantly, they give your body an instantly usable hit of nutrients and hydration. If you start the day with a fresh juice or smoothie you are off to a winner. You are far more likely to be in a positive state of mind. It is almost impossible to start your day so diligently healthy and feel negative.
  • Water: dehydration is an absolute killer. And it is predicted that 80% of us are chronically dehydrated. Being dehydrated absolutely magifies negative emotions such as stress, panic, worry and irritability. It makes us tired, foggy, cloudy and induces headaches.When we are properly hydrated we just feel much more energy and positivity. We don’t have that mental fog – there is clarity there instead. There is far less propensity to feel stress when we are well hydrated

That was a very short point on the alkaline diet – read here for more information.

The following three are not diet choices but they still need a mention:

  • Sleep: being tired causes irritability, stress, negativity and supresses the immune system.
  • Exercise: You know this one. Do I need to say much about it?
  • Daylight: This one is interesting. You internal body clock is regulated by the amount of sunlight that hits our eyes on a daily basis. It is well documented that negativity and stress can be heavily influenced by the amount of daylight we see. It is a leading cause of depression in shift workers and airline staff.The amount of daylight we see regulated the amount of melatonin and serotonin our brain produces – which in turn affects our mood and emotion. Not enough daylight and we produce too much melatonin and not enough serotonin – and therefore we become groggy and negative emotions become heightened.

    Get some daylight every day – at least an hour! I know this might sound easy to some of you, but in the UK there are many people who throughout winter wake up and travel to work in the dark, sit in an office all day and then travel home in the dark.

    Every lunchtime, no matter what, get some daylight. Or invest in a light box.

Supplementation & Stress

The following supplements are not only effective in preventing stress, but are also known to help stress at the time of being experienced:

  • Dr Young’s pHour Salts: Oh dear, its the alkaline diet again. I hate to repeat myself once again, but two of the most important minerals in combating stress are the two most alkaline minerals of all: magnesium and calcium. These, plus potassium and sodium, are all highly alkalising and available in Dr Young’s pHour Salts.
  • Inner Balance Stress Support: this product combines vitamins B (many of them!) with Rhodiola rosea (proven to help with mental fatigue) and the amino acid L-theanine (known to have a calming effect). This is a great help while you’re on your way to health and alkalinity.
  • Karma: the highest content of St Johns Wort in the UK – which is proven to help with anxiety, low mood and stress.

To wrap it up…

Stress is clearly a sign of poor health. Being healthy means you are far more likely to take a positive view, stay on top of things and react with clarity, certainty and creativity. Being healthy also means you’re more likely to be at your ideal weight, have more energy, less illness, clear skin, strong bones and muscles, higher libido (leading to less stress 😉 ) and many other great things.

So if you’re wanting to reduce stress – instead of some of the short term solutions such as a glass of wine or a holiday, why not get yourself healthy and experience some of those other side effects at the same time!

Interested in trying the alkaline diet? Click here for more information about our 12-week online course

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  1. Ross Reply

    Hey Andy

    Thanks for the kind words. Just check ed out your blog and I like what you’re doing there!

    Have a great day

  2. Andy Reply

    I’m digging your website. I’ve just started to make some changes to my own diet. Nothing to do with weight loss, I just want to feel healthier. That’s what I like about your site. So far I am making juice for my breakfast. Next up is quitting coffee. Cheers,
