Top 10 Alkaline Diet Questions Answered!

fridge full of greensI’ve been alkalising and running this site for over 11 years now and I’ve learned a LOT about how to get alkaline & stay alkaline.

I get, through my Facebook page, via email, through my personal coaching Alkaline Base Camp members, and my private clients a LOT of questions, every day – and I just love answering them!

So I decided to log them for a few weeks and find out those that come up again and again and put the answers here for everyone to learn from.

So if you are new to alkalising, or if you are a seasoned pro, you might learn something (or a lot!) – so here goes:

Your Top 10 Alkaline Diet Questions, Answered!

1. But You Can’t Change Your pH…my doctor/magazine/skeptical friend said so…

So many times I’m emailed by concerned people saying they had just gotten on board with the whole alkaline thing, but then their friend sent them to a website, or their doctor tells them:

“You can’t alter the pH of the body, the body has strict regulating mechanisms to keep it’s pH the same – so there is no point eating alkaline to try and make the body alkaline”.

The short answer to this is:


The aim of the alkaline diet is NOT to try and raise the pH of the blood. Yes, that’s right. The aim of the alkaline diet is NOT to try and raise the pH of the blood.

The whole purpose of the alkaline diet is to prevent the body from having to do the regulating!

This is the biggest misconception that so-called experts have, who are so quick to criticise the alkaline diet. When the truth is, they simply haven’t done their research and are making themselves look like idiots.

The REAL damage of an Acidic Diet

Your doctor and friend are absolutely right, in that the body will do whatever it takes to regulate your blood pH (and the pH of other cellular fluids). But the constant need to do this regulating is what causes the massive problems with an overly acidic diet and lifestyle.

By living and eating alkaline, we relieve the body of this need to regulate and thus the body thrives. Of course, it helps (and is surely no coincidence) that all of the alkaline foods are also nutrient-dense, live, fresh, healthy, high-water-content, healthy foods that are full of vitamins, minerals and phytonutritents, antioxidants and more.

Is the Alkaline Diet Just a Little Convenient?

I digress slightly but do you think that this is a coincidence? Acidic foods are nutrient-devoid, unhealthy, artery-clotting, dead foods, sugary foods, trans-fats, refined foods, oxidising foods and foods that contribute zero nutrients to our body.

Whereas alkaline foods are the exact opposite. There is no alkaline food that is damaging to the body.

Find me a Doctor or reporter or friend that doesn’t agree that the following is a healthy diet:

get the alkaline recipe book here

– loads of fresh foods
– eat lots of vegetables, low sugar fruits, nuts, seeds, salads, juices, smoothies
– exercise daily
– live stress free and avoid toxins
– avoid trans fats, sugar, refined salts, refined foods, fast foods, takeaways, alcohol, tobacco, pizza, chips, chocolate, ice cream etc
– enjoy everything in moderation

That is the alkaline diet.

Anyway, to get back to the initial point…

We simply didn’t evolve with a body to cope with the changes to our diet that the modern world has given us. We didn’t evolve to be able to cope with such an acidic Standard Western Diet of yeasts, sugars, trans-fats, microwave meals, fast foods, pizzas, chips, chocolate.

Our body was not designed to be able to neutralise this much acid!

The human body creates it’s own acids (metabolic acids) and we evolved with a small acid buffering system which can happily, easily neutralise this acid that is caused by our body’s internal processes and metabolism. However, when we throw incredibly strong acids on top of this all day long, the body goes into shock – desperately trying to keep the pH of the blood and other fluids at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365.

This is where the damage of the acidic diet occurs

We fully know and understand that the body will ALWAYS keep this pH of 7.365 and our aim is not to change it! Our aim is to give the body the tools it needs so that maintaining this pH is as easy as possible. Putting lots and lots of acid-forming foods puts the body into a huge tailspin and the damage snowballs.

The constant consumption of over-acidic foods and an over-acidic lifestyle leads to massive long term problems. The body will make all manner of long-term sacrifices to your health in order to maintain your short term health by keeping the pH of those cellular fluids at 7.365.

Calcium is pulled from the bones, magnesium is pulled from the muscle, and yeasts, bacteria and microform overgrowths become highly present in the digestive system – clogging your intestines and causing all manner of problems.

The alkaline diet is not aiming to change this 7.365 – it’s aiming to support the body, remove the stress of an acidic lifestyle and give the body the tools it needs to thrive.

So the summary is this:

The body will ALWAYS retain your blood pH in a very tight range close to pH 7.365. Your aim is NOT to change this, it is to support the body’s efforts to keep it there. The standard, modern, Western diet is incredibly acidic, and living such an acidic diet puts constant pressure on the body to try and neutralise these acids to retain the pH at the slightly alkaline 7.365. The real damage is done to the body not in simply consuming these foods, but the real damage is the fallout of the body having to work dramatically hard to neutralise the acids and retain the pH at 7.365.

So the next time someone tells you the alkaline diet is pointless, you now know the response to this. Let them continue to tell themselves there is no point in eating alkaline, and they can keep on slurping their soda and eating their burger. I mean, what does it matter anyway – the body will always keep this pH right? So why bother eating healthy.

I hope this all makes sense. I’ve tried to keep it in as simple terms as possible, but as ever, if you have any questions at all you can ask them below!

2. Everyone KNOWS lemons are acidic. Why do you recommend them?

This is a quite common question, so I’m getting quite good at answering it in a nice and simple way!

It is basically about what effect the food has on the body once consumed rather than it’s acidity or alkalinity in its natural state. Lemons, while containing citric acid have a very high content of the strongly alkaline minerals potassium, magnesium and sodium. These minerals have a very alkalising effect on the body.

The reason this doesn’t work with oranges is because the sugar content of the orange is so high that cancels out the alkalising minerals and leads it to have a very acidifying effect on the body. That is the same for almost all fruits (unfortunately).

Resource Box: How to Make Enhanced Lemon Water | From The Benefits of Lemon Water | My Video Explaining Why Lemons Are Alkaline

Which brings us onto…

3. Can I eat fruit?

Unfortunately, the answer to this one is, generally, yes (a little) and no…

Certainly don’t think of fruit the way most people do…

Fruits should be treated as a treat, or ’emergency food’.

Better than a chocolate bar, yes, but the sugar content of fruit makes it actually quite acidifying. There are a small number of alkaline fruits which I eat a TON of, but most you’d think of (banana, oranges, pineapple etc.) are acid forming.

You really need to avoid all sugar as much as possible, whether it is fructose, sucrose, glucose (anything ending in -ose).

They all have the same effect on the body – sugar is sugar is sugar, no matter where you get it from and a lot of fruit is absolutely packed with it.

While I understand that fruit also contains fibre, vitamins, phytonutrients etc. the sheer amount of sugar that fruit contains means that this not a worthwhile trade off.

If you want to consume fruits, try to keep it to one piece of in-season fruit per day and try to consume it with a little healthy fat and fibre at the same time, as this will balance your blood-sugar when you consume the fructose (as much as possible).

The Problem with Sugar (and a quick crash course on why an acidic lifestyle is so bad)

In the same way that our body will do whatever it has to in order to maintain a temperature of 37 degrees, it will go to similar lengths to maintain a pH level of 7.365 for our internal cells, particularly the blood.

The modern Western diet of meats, dairy, fizzy drinks, chips, chocolate, candy, alcohol, coffee, pizza, pasta, bread etc has a massively acidic effect on the body. Such an acidic lifestyle puts incredible stress and strain on the body as it has to constantly fire-fight to keep this pH level of 7.365.

This not only takes up a MASSIVE amount of our energy (remember how you feel after Christmas dinner or a huge takeaway meal?) but it also uses up the alkaline minerals (buffers) in our body including calcium, potassium, magnesium and sodium. This in turn leads to so many health issues it is unreal.

These acid-forming foods and drinks also lead to the creation of yeasts, bacteria and mold in our blood. In addition, the acids that are created and consumed in our modern lifestyle also ferment the blood and create harmful by-products, toxins and alcohols, which then further destroy our internal environment.

With more acid, more toxins are created, the pH is lowered, the bacteria and yeast grows, becomes mold, and a vicious cycle begins.

And what’s more – these harmful bacteria, yeast and mold actually feed off the nutrients you consume! But that is not all! The waste products they leave behind also act as their food, meaning that rapid multiplication takes place!

So when we consume sugar it sends our body into turmoil. Consuming sugar is like throwing petrol onto a fire. It rapidly fuels this cycle, compounding the problem and placing an insane amount of stress on the body.

I’ve written about this before and a number of questions and concerns often arise, but the question that comes up most frequently is this:

But sugar from fruit is different isn’t it? Fructose is ok, right?

Nope. Sugar is sugar is sugar. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, it still wreaks havoc with the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Whether it is from fructose, sucrose, an apple, honey or a piece of chocolate cake, the sugar still has the same devastating effect. How quickly or slowly the body metabolises different sugars may have an effect on your energy levels (in terms of how quickly the peaks and troughs will follow one another) but makes no difference to the fact that the sugar ferments and fuels these harmful microforms in exactly the same way.

So stop eating fruit! It is plain to see that sugar is incredibly harmful, and fruit is packed full of it. And as for fruit juice? Fresh or not, fruit juice is simply highly concentrated fruit! But without the fibre! It is the same problem multiplied by twenty. DO NOT DRINK FRUIT JUICE!

Sure, if it is the choice between an apple and a Mars bar then go for the apple, because you’re at least getting some goodness. But better still, give yourself better choices so you don’t have to go for the lesser of two evils! (wow, five years ago I never would have thought I would be calling fruit ‘evil’!)

Is any fruit OK?

Yes! There are a handful of low-sugar fruits that are great for you! Tomato, avocado, lemon, lime and grapefruit are all alkalising and full of goodness. And before anyone asks about how lemons and limes can be alkalising – the answer is simple: it is the effect the food has on the body, not whether it is acid or alkaline in it’s natural state. The reason lemons and limes have an alkalising effect is because they are not only high water content and low sugar content, but they also contain high amounts of alkaline minerals (potassium in particular).

I hope this makes sense.

Alkaline Diet Recipe Book Banner

3. Why are the lists of alkaline/acid foods different?

I know it is quite confusing to see such differences in the charts. This amount of conflicting information is the main reason I set up Live Energized (previously Energise for Life) and I believe our chart (based on the research of the Alkaline Diet pioneer, Robert Young) is the most accurate.

The reason that other charts show such disparity is because they base their classifications on the readings for the Potential Renal Acid Load research (PRAL). This is not an accurate source for this purpose. The reason for this is, to test for PRAL they basically burn the food at an extreme temperature and then take a read of the ‘ash’ that is left behind and what it’s pH is.

While this does give a read of its alkalinity from the mineral content of the food, this is only half the picture. By burning it at such a high temperature they also burn away all of the most acid-causing content of the food, namely sugar. That is why on some charts high sugar fruits are listed as alkaline. Bananas for instance are high in the alkaline mineral potassium, BUT they are also 25% sugar which makes them extremely acidifying when we consume them.

Dr Young has also tested the blood (through live blood analysis) of over 40,000 people and has seen first hand the effect different foods have on the body. So his classification of acid/alkaline foods is really the most accurate and the most relevant to the effect foods have on our pH levels.

Resource Box: Mercola’s Article on Fruit – including fructose chart for each fruit | The ‘Ross B’ Guide to Fruit Consumption | Measured & Scientific Approach to Fructose from Healthline

4. Which green drink (powdered green supplement) is best?

Ahhh, an interesting question that I get asked ALL the time.

Here is my honest, and official, answer:

Firstly, there are a few checks you need to make before you narrow down your shortlist:

  1. Is the green drink sugar-free? There are so many supposed green drinks out there (especially available on the high street) that quite foolishly contain sugar and sweeteners. What is the point in that?! Look out for carob & stevia in particular. Remember it takes 20 parts alkaline to neutralise 1 part acid, so if your greens contains sugar then you are going to end up with pH neutral at best…making your green drink expensively pointless.
  2. Is the green drink yeast, fungi and algae-free? Many greens also contain yeast, mushroom extracts and algae’s which I personally don’t recommend and know Dr Young has proven to be highly acidifying.

After that, I’d say the decision is down to taste and personal preference.

I personally use Dr Young’s Doc Broc Greens and here are my reasons:

  • This is a 4th generation green drink. Dr Young is the pioneer of these products and it was he who created SuperGreens for Innerlight several years ago. While I do like the SuperGreens taste and used to use it a lot, the formulation and production method has not changed since it was created, whereas with Doc Broc, it is created with the benefit of all of Dr Young’s experience during this time.
  • The blend of ingredients he uses is second to none. Everyone has pretty much copied his old Innerlight formulation (note how they all taste similar?) but he has upped the ante by including even more alkaline forming ingredients such as avocado, lemon and lime.
  • I just love the taste.

So in my opinion, Doc Broc is the best green drink on the market, but there are a few close runners:

  1. MegaGreens: A nice, fresh tasting blend made from organic New Zealand grasses
  2. pH Ion Green: Slightly sweeter tasting, but does contain spirulina, so I use sparingly. A lot of our customers LOVE the taste of this one
  3. Tony Robbins Pure Energy Greens: a very different tasting green drink, but very effective
  4. SuperGreens: and of course, the classic. Still packs a punch.

5. Which supplements do you recommend?

This really is down to your own personal nutritional requirement, and I would always recommend speaking to a qualified nutritionist before making any major dietary changes – but in my personal opinion and from the feedback from my customers I recommend the following four supplements as a solid cornerstone to any nutritional regime:

Ross’s Supplement Suggestions

    1. Green Drink: highly alkalising, highly nutrient dense and unbelievably good for you, green drinks are a must have for me. I can almost guarantee that if you start having four green drinks per day then you will almost instantly start seeing the benefits. A rich source of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients – the greens infuse your body with highly alkaline ingredient to cleanse, neutralise acids and give your body a huge energy boost.
    2. An Anti-Inflammatory: my experience has shown that reaching optimal health is a combination of an alkaline, antioxidant-rich, anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle, and it is always very important to have a safety net for each of these three. The green drink & salts (see below) are highly alkaline, the greens are antioxidant-rich, and the supplement I’m about to mention + the oils are anti-inflammatory…And this supplement is curcurmin. This most often comes in the form of a turmeric-based supplement (some can also contain ginger, and piperine, a compound from black pepper that assists with the bioavailability of curcurmin).

      From my research and personal experience, the most beneficial form of curcurmin supplement is curcurmin phytosome.

      There has been endless research on curcurmin and it’s benefits – more so than any other natural compound.

    3. Omega & Coconut Oils: For optimal health, energy and wellness I strongly urge you to give some focus to the omega 3 and coconut oil that you consume. Here is a rundown of the basic facts of each to get you started!
      • Omega 3: The important omega 3’s are ALA, EPA and DHA. The human body cannot make omega 3 on its own so it is essential that we supplement our diets. Omega 3 is also the fat that we are most deficient in. Experts suggest that we need between 20-40ml of omega 3 per day to function optimally. To get this through diet alone is difficult, even if we eat oily fish and nuts every single day. Especially as a lot of the foods (fish & meat included) are farmed in a way that makes them less nutritious than in days gone by.
      • Medium Chain Tryglycerides (MCT) from Coconut Oil: MCT are hard to come by, and almost all other oils we consume are long chain. We specify coconut oil because it is almost always organic, is incredibly resistant to heat, light and air (unlike all other oils) so it can be cooked with and still healthy, and because it tastes great! Yes, it is a saturated fat – but the myth that saturated fats are bad for us has been completely dismissed, and in fact, saturated fats are so GOOD for you!

      These Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are called essential because the body absolutely requires them to function, yet it cannot manufacture them itself. It relies upon us to consume these fats, namely omega 3 and omega 6. These fats are so important that even if we eliminated the bad fats from our diets completely, we would still, eventually, die if we did not ingest any of these EFAs. We simply cannot live without these fats!

      Do you, or have you ever suffered from any of the following:

      * Dry skin, acne or skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis or rosecea
      * Constipation
      * Weight gain
      * Low energy levels
      * Brittle hair and hair loss
      * Poor nail growth
      * Deterioration of liver and kidneys
      * Depression
      * Inability to sleep
      * Low immune system
      * Digestion problems, inflammation, bloating
      * Allergies
      * Low libido
      * Tingling in arms and legs

      These are just a few of the symptoms of omega 3 and 6 deficiency. And these symptoms show up fast!

    4. Alkaline Minerals: the biggest determinant of whether a food is alkaline forming is it’s alkaline mineral content. Minerals such as sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, manganese, zinc and so on.And the four most alkaline forming are those first four: sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium.

      I highly recommend you find a high quality supplement (or supplementS) that contain these minerals, preferably in a bicarbonate format.

      The volume of research on the benefits of sodium bicarbonate is huge. This is unquestionable.

      I am also hugely a fan of having a daily dose of magnesium. In our discussions and interviews with nutritionist and oncologist Dr Erin Leigh Connealy – she found the common thread that ran through all of her patience, with a wide range of conditions was magnesium deficiency.

      Here’s my good friend Dr Josh Axe discussing magnesium deficiency:

      Potassium is also a no-brainer. The ratio of potassium to sodium is so important and has become so out of balance in our modern diet. The problem is not sodium at all, it’s that:

      a) most people are eating a lot of the refined, processed, health-less sodium chloride (regular table salt) instead of mineral-rich Himalayan/Celtic style natural salt

      b) most people are just not eating enough potassium, which is putting the ratio out of whack.

      Lowering your healthy sodium too much also creates risks of it’s own. You need sodium – it’s a vital alkaline mineral. But you’ve gotta get the potassium in too!

Resource Box: Importance of an Anti-Inflammation Diet | Benefits of Turmeric (WhFoods) | Mercola on Magnesium Deficiencies

7. Where do I get protein from?

That is a very, very valid question – but I think it is in the wrong context…but I’ll get onto that. The first question you need to ask yourself is ‘How Much Protein Do I Need?’. Difficult question. Robert Young (pH Miracle) states that the average person needs no more than 20g per day, but this obviously changes if you work out or lead a very active life. I personally aim for around 50g-100g depending on my level of workout/exercise, but certainly nowhere near the heights of some trainers who propose you should have at least 2g’s per kg of body weight.

I suggest you find your own level that you are happy with, within this range (of 20-100g) and then consider where you will get your protein from. When most people ask this about the alkaline diet it is more out of fear that they are not going to get enough – but the more pertinent question is – what is your source of protein i.e. make sure it is a good source!

On an alkaline diet, without any further supplementation I consume at least 50g-60g of protein a day, which is more than enough for the body to function, grow and develop. This level often tops 80g with the introduction of protein-rich foods such as chickpeas, quinoa, chia, greens, lentils, nuts, seeds and so on.

I also supplement with an organic sprouted brown rice protein at the moment because I’m hitting the crossfit and running pretty hard, but this isn’t essential if you’re not working out or in a training phase at the moment.

Food Sources of Protein on the Alkaline Diet – but to answer your original question, when you’re living alkaline you get more than enough protein from sources such as:

plant protein printable

Thanks to OhMyVeggies for the chart 🙂

As you can see, you’ll have no problem…

And when I modelled a selection of days of eating alkaline from my Alkaline Diet Recipe Book, it reached 86g protein on average.

(Note: remember, there are risks to consuming too much protein too!)

get the alkaline recipe book here

Resource Box: The MBG 7 Sources of Plant Based Protein | Nutrition Stripped Guide to Plant Based Protein Supplements | My guide to Alkaline Muscle Building | My pH Boosting Protein Smoothie

8. Will I lose weight (OR can I gain weight?)

The body is alkaline by design and one of the most common symptoms of being over-acid is weight gain.

When you’re over acid your body both hang onto fat to protect your major organs, and is also unable to process the excess fat from the acids you consume. When you start to alkalise you quickly shred through this fat. Bulges and cellulite disappear pretty darn quick.

There is some complex science behind this, but if you consider that on a daily basis you are going to be consuming loads of fresh, raw salads, vegetables, nuts, seeds, healthy fats etc. and be totally hydrated, while at the same time consuming zero sugar, trans-fats, chocolate, crisps, sweets, alcohol etc. it is pretty clear to see that you’re not going to have to worry about weight for too much longer.

The same goes for being under-weight. Being under-weight is an acid problem too. Your clogged, over acidic digestive system is preventing your body from being able to absorb the nutrients you do consume, and so you’re left skinny and weak. Once you start to alkalise you will find yourself filling out in all the right places and gaining muscle mass.


Resource Box: How to Maintain or Gain Weight on the Alkaline Diet

9. How do I test my pH – why are my readings erratic?

Testing your pH is a great way of tracking your progress. But it has to be done right. Here is how:

It is good practice to either test 1 hour before or 2 hours after eating. If testing your saliva, it is a good idea to try to fill your mouth with saliva and then swallow. This helps remove any acidic bacteria that might be lurking. Do not try to wash your mouth out with anything else as this will simply record the alkalinity of the water/liquid you have just used.

For testing urine, let some urine flow before testing as this will give more of an average reading.

It is also a good idea to test 2-3 times in a day in order to get an average, as first thing in the morning the body has retained fluids over a long period of time and it will engage in different processes to remove acid wastes from the body throughout the day (depending on activity and diet).

Why the Differences and Fluctuations?

The reason that there is such a difference between your urine and saliva readings is that a) your mouth is more likely to contain acidic bacteria throughout the day (if you brush your teeth it will show a very high alkaline reading due to the toothpaste so there is not much of a way around this) and b) because your urine is more of a reflection of the processes the body is undertaking to remove acid from the body.

Both of these are therefore subject to fluctuations. I would recommend taking the average of several readings to gain a bigger picture of your progress rather than concentrating on each reading in isolation.

A reading of anywhere between 6.75-7.0+ is excellent for saliva as the saliva tends to be slightly more acidic. For the urine, a slightly higher pH level of 7.5 upwards is great, but remember that due to the kidney’s processing of toxins throughout the day, the urine can give a more erratic reading.

To put all of this into perspective, someone who eats a typical Western diet would be more likely to have a saliva pH average of about 5.5-6.0. This may not seem too much lower, however it is important to remember that the pH scale is logarithmic – meaning each step is ten times the previous i.e. 4.5 is 10 times more acidic than 5.5 which is 100 times more acidic than 6.5 and so on.

Testing the pH of your saliva or urine is only going to give you a general trend. Unfortunately, there is no way of determining the EXACT pH of the blood without undergoing a live blood analysis. However, they can give a good indication – so test, test, test and take the average and then follow this trend over time noticing the difference any changes in your diet can make.


10: Which vegetables are the most alkalising?

Not really something you need to worry too much about, but if you do need to know – I believe it is a toss-up between wheatgrass and cucumber. But basically here is my quick and dirty list of the foods to aim for if you want to be super-alkalising:

Green grasses – such as wheatgrass & barley grass
Green leafy veg – such as spinach, rocket & watercress
Any other salad, vegetable or high-water content, low sugar food!

Just think big bowls of salad and big plates of veggies!

Resource Box: The Seven Most Alkaline Foods | The Seven Most Acidic Foods | What a Serve of Alkaline Foods Looks Like (how big is ONE serve)

get the alkaline food chart

Bonus 1: Can I become too alkaline?

Because I’m nice, and I couldn’t work out which question to drop to make this list a top 10 (top 11 didn’t have the same ring) I’m giving you this bonus answer. It is one we get asked quite often and it does have a simple-ish answer, so here goes.

Basically, yes, you can become over-alkaline, of course. This is very, very difficult to achieve! Your body is constantly creating acids in it’s daily workings, which is why we need to focus on eating 80/20 alkaline foods to help to neutralise these acids. We obviously make things worse by eating and drinking acvid too.

But if we did manage to eat SO alkaline that your cells and body fluids went above 7.365 then your body would simply buffer this to regulate you back down to the correct pH. The effect on your body would be similar to that if you were too acid. And given that 99% of us are too acid 99% of the time (yet we are still walking and functioning as humans!) then I don’t think it would have too much of an effect on us. You’d probably feel pretty similar to how you do right now.

Plus it would be pretty short lived as, like I mentioned, the body does create acids all of the time, so you’d soon be neutralised!

Any More Questions?

I really hope this has helped and has given you a good framework and answered some of the questions you might have had. If you do have any other questions – feel free to leave a comment below!

Have a great weekend

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order the alkaline life

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Trevor Quantrill Reply

    Hi, we have just started your program which we got from onboard a ship (pacific dawn) . We are home now and are going through the “diet”. What we have noticed is that there is no mention of yogurt and milk. My husband has normal milk and eats normal yoghurt but I have the lactose free milk and yogurt. Do we add these as a point to our diet or does it not matter which or how much milk or yogurt we have.

    Mandy and Trevor

    • ross Reply

      Hey Mandy

      It’s best to skip dairy – while lactose-free is better, it still contains the sugar d-galactose which is, in fact, more problematic. And even then it’s acid-forming on top of the galactose. I know it might seem a pain, but I would move away from dairy and to non-dairy milks where you can.

      Now, better news(!) here’s the workbook:


  2. joe Schmidl Reply

    are egg whites alkaline or acidic? Thanks. Joe

  3. Sérgio Reply

    Hey, i think fruit is the best food we can eat. It is what we designed for.

  4. Debi Green Reply

    Thanks for all your research and thorough answers! I’d like to ask where eggplant falls on the list. I absolutely love it. And also, do cooked vegetables count or does everything have to be raw? Thanks in advance for answering! 🙂

  5. Neil Reply

    I have silent reflux. This makes the body regurgitate acid into your lungs , throat and even ears. This is one of the reasons many people eat alkaline. But you also need to ear alkaline ion the way down your throat or you are aggravating your esophagus which is already aggravated . You may have phlegm that you cough up.

    Eating any alkaline foods like lemon is very bad for us because it is very acidic on the way down your throat.

    I find most people like yourself have great knowledge and information but never qualify this in their advice!!

    That is why. So many people are giving different advice on what to eat. Very few people are acknowledging this disease and you must . Please address this situation so people who have silent reflux can finally find out why they aren’t getting better . Thank you keep up the great work!!

  6. Aysha Reply

    Ross can you please send me the recipe for your avocado smoothie! It is made with kale spinach avocado and nuts, I just cannot find it.

    I am suffering with digestive isuues and am too acidic! Will your diet program help me? Where do I start?

    Thanks for your amazing site! I cannot wait to connect.

  7. Simon Reply

    Just wondered what your thoughts on cell salts are?

  8. Leslie Heldibridle Reply

    This article is amazing. Thank you beyond measure!

  9. Jenna Pharr Reply

    how many people are currently living on this diet for more than five or ten years?

  10. Alison Reply

    What about dairy/eggs

    • ross Reply

      I’d transition away from dairy as quickly as you can – it’s acidifying, mucous forming and full of d-galactose and lactose which cause inflammation, bone degeneration and stress the liver.

      Eggs are ok in moderation, not alkaline, but fine once or twice a week.

      You don’t have to give up anything 100% (except for soda, cigarettes!) but I would try not to include dairy and eggs daily if possible.


  11. Judy Leigh Reply

    Hi Ross. From reading the recommended supplements you seem to have a bit of an aversion to
    Spiralina . Am I getting this wrong or what?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Judy

      The jury is out – I don’t mind it as part of a mix of other greens in a product, but not a fan of a pure spirulina supplement.


  12. Merle Drury Reply

    Thank you, Ross, for this useful guide. My question is this – my husband gets a rapid and strong reaction when working in amongst trees (picking apples or felling/trimming trees) which shows itself as hot, red, itchy patches on his arms, legs and groin. Our doctor says he is phyto-sensitive. Our concern is that our daily consumption of fresh green juice (spinach, celery, cucumber, ginger and lemon) will be aggravating this sensitivity. Can you please advise. Thank you.

  13. Peggy Berwick Reply

    Our body temperature in the states is 98.6 degrees 🙂

  14. Bob Reply

    Are dehydrated foods good for you?

    • ross Reply

      Deyhydrated Vegetables = YES
      Dehydrated FRUITS = BIG NO


  15. Bente Petersen Reply

    Very good data thank you Ross,
    some new some reconfirming what I knew…. all good.

  16. tony church Reply

    i have a not so good kidney.the doctors put me on phospherus potassium and protein limits.that meaNS NO NUTS Avacodo’s tomato’s etc. i really do not like what the doctors are trying to cram down my throat
    i want to try the kidney flush but how much in numbers is the tumeric and ginger root.thank you

  17. Jennifer Kennedy Reply

    Hi Ross
    I have LHR and wonder if I can eat Onions and Garlic as they apparently let off gases.
    Also should I go low fat?
    Lastly, I know Lemons and Limes are alkalising but would they be okay for LHR?
    Thank you

  18. Elna Nugent Reply

    I have been living on a medium to high alkaline diet for many years and at 87 I feel like i’m fifty. One problem I have is I have to go to the bathroom too often. I am back to eating some sourdough bread each day and that helps a little.. I eat dairy and eggs and lots of pecans and almonds.
    Very little meat. Any suggestions.

  19. pamela Isenberg Reply

    My 20 year old son has had reflux all of his life. He used to live on PPI’s and then then zantac and tums. He got very sick a few months ago and was unable to eat much without vomiting. He was in and out of the hospital and wound up having a stretta procedure and pyloric dialation. He got sicker and was diagnosed with gastroparesis.
    . A few months ago he went on the GAPS diet and ate mostly protein. He was a little better nut couldn’t add anybfoods and eventually had reflux from the dew foods he was eating. He started the alkaline diet and started taking some natural constipation seeds and triphala after every meal last week. His stomach aches stopped and his bowel movements became regular. However he is still having heartburn. He is a college student and just returned to school after a medical leave. He is in the orlando area and needs support. What would you suggest?

    • Peter Reply

      Having had extreme acid reflux and the stomach twisted and stitched to create a form of valve to resist acid being passed into the gullet I can sympathise greatly. Key, apart from any dietary changes is reducing food portions. Eat little and often. This stops the stomach being overloaded and forcing acid back up.

      Avoiding many of the things mentioned like coffee, carbonated drinks pastries, cakes, etc will also cause the stomach not to generate so much acid.

      If you check ‘pain free foods’ on the web they are primarily concerned with Diverticulitis and IBS, but their food combinations which do not align with modern eating practices will enable the stomach to utilise the salver and natural bacteria to digest the food instead of washing the digestive tract with horrendous levels of acid which can and will wreak havoc on the lower sphincter of the stomach and on into the bowels stripping the natural mucosa and leaving the person open to all kinds of internal drama.

      I suspect many things proposed by them will be parallel to things mentioned for other reasons here.

      So reduce food portions, and don’t quaff pints of beer, and gallons of coffee.

  20. Howard Dainty Reply

    Ross it is Howard ( not to be confused with any other Howard I will in future call myself HowD5 ) just a probable silly question is it easy to get an alkaline stick on a plane without questions or being refused if so where do you put it!!!

    The more important subject is if I were to order the Chanson Miracle Max under your special offer first 50 can I delay this until 14th-15th September 2017 for my delivery and trial period also delaying payment until then ( so I am saying will you trust me on this or is it out of the question ).
    Reason being that I am not available due to being ultra busy over this summer period involving several countries and cannot see my way clear for a slot to give your Chanson a good workout.

    Would be grateful for this gesture and appreciate meeting you someday as I am a great believer in face to face communication in an otherwise crazy world of always on the go phone,I pad whatever.

    Have a great day…………. How D5

    P.S. sorry should have written through email no time to change it now

  21. Susan Reply

    What ingredients make the most healthy green smoothie?

  22. G-Love Reply

    wat’s th process of burnin-veggies2determine th minerals&sugar content?

  23. Susan Reply

    Hello Ross,
    I have been a vegetarian since 1970 and a vegan for 20 years plus gluten free for the last couple of years. Always thought I was doing great in that my urine ph was very alkaline, 8.0 for years.
    My doctor did a bone density scan and said I have osteoporosis and wants me to take the shot for it.
    I always thought I would never have this issue, now I’ve been reading that over alkalized urine can also depleat calcium in the bones, so I’m really upset. I also have Hashimoto’s thyroid disease and am on Levathyroxine 2 g a day. I do not do well with protein digestion but drink a protein drink (Warrior greens & warrior earth) each morning with my green drink adding pea protein.
    I have found very little to read on this phenomena of high alkaline urine, so I wondered if you have any research?
    thank you!

    • ross Reply

      Hi Susan

      Over alkalized urine is the direct result of an acid-forming diet requiring the body to leech calcium from the bones to help maintain your blood pH at 7.365. You do not get over alkaline urine from eating alkaline. Your body will regulate your pH to 7.365 whether you eat acid or alkaline, so if you ate ‘too alkaline’ (which is basically impossible) then your urine would hypothetically be more acidic as the wastes coming through your urine would be the acidic by product of trying to LOWER your pH.


    • NLMS Reply

      Susan, I hate to be negative but so many people and practitioners do not understand pH. The craze is to get more alkaline, which can actually harm some people. All you ever hear is “you’re too acid”. What is too acid? You stomach needs to be very acidic to break down the nutrients from food. Urine should be lower in the morning as you are dumping acids from overnight. As to how low, you need to look at many factors: Are you leaning anabolic or catabolic during the day? What is your electrolyte status according to reclining and standing blood pressure values? Are you leaning sympathetic or parasympathetic regarding your autonomic nervous system? Are you a fat burner or sugar burner? To know whether your blood pH is slightly moving a little from the 7.365 normal, what is your breath rate? If the number of times you are breathing per minute is on the low side, like only around 7 or 8 or even 9 or 10, your blood could be just a little more than the 7.365, leaning a little alkaline – needing to be dealt with. Look up the work of Dr. Guy Schenker ( or go to or Dr. Revici or T.C. Mc Daniels or so many others – even the work of Cary Reams. I have seen people become very sick on an overly alkaline diet. We need to be in balance. Granted most foods of today make it difficult due to chemicals, lack of minerals even in organic vegetables. Please do further research before it becomes a bigger problem for you. There are charts from the REAL experts about ph of urine vs. pH of saliva and whether one is going into metabolic alkalosis or acidosis. I am not the expert on all this but check out the websites and also the learning center on one that shows “How we rot and rust: If all these values are off, you can develop such an imbalance where taking more calcium can make it worse because the calcium is going to the wrong place due to imbalances in the tissue state (anabolic/catabolic) – thus the calcium is trying to get INTO the cells but due to the imbalance, it is being pulled from the bones to get to the cells.

      • Peter Reply

        I will not challenge much of what you have said even though I do really agree with it, but what I do challenge strongly is you opine that the stomach needs to be acid to break down the foods.

        As a person who has suffered for many years from acid reflux I have had to learn how to minimise this acid you think is so necessary. I even had surgery to restrict acid backing up, only to find probably through my own stupidity at one point about a year later that some of the symptoms returned, so I had to control the problem by my own actions.

        The correct way to eat is with small portions so that the stomach does not have to work so hard, and doesn’t need to generate the last ditch method of creating very strong acid digest what the natural bacteria in your stomach and intestines could cope with.

        If you eat relatively slowly, chew adequately and do not flood your stomach with liquid before and during eating, but rely on your saliva to wash the food down, and assist the bacteria digesting the food in the stomach you do not generate gallons of acid, and you do not then release that acidic mix into your intestines to wash the mucosa and leave the exposed gut open to acid wash creating all kinds of IBS complications.

        Correct food combinations also help, check ‘pain free foods’. Compromise between what is suggested here and their site may be needed, but generally both sites are pretty sound.

        Having had my wife being probably 2 or 3 days away from organ failure due to starvation brought on by the pain of Diverticulitis created by decades of poor food choices I have a pretty sound knowledge of how not to eat. ‘Pain free foods’, and intensive care by me and the family pulled her back. Both sites have sense to them if you have the eyes to see.

        • Peter Reply

          Key mistake, I meant to say do NOT agree with the person I replied to.

  24. DeAdra Reply

    I was wondering about whey protein,no sugar,is it ok

  25. Chandra Jones Reply

    Is honey the same as all the other sugars?

  26. Sheri Reply

    I’ve read that an acidic ph also causes inflammation therefore increasing incidence of heart related problems as well as a host of other autoimmune diseases. There is a cardiac physician/surgeon who has quit his practice to promote the alkaline diet decreasing the inflammation effect on the circulatory system as well as prevent diabetes, etc. can you elaborate on this?
    Also what are some of the best probiotics.

  27. Peter Soo Reply

    My juice consists of 1 green apple, 2 orange, a slice of lemon. Is this a good combination?
    Thank you.

  28. Bee Reply

    So, I am dealing with bacterial vaginosis, which from what I understand is a high (alkaline) ph reading down there, and yet I’ve been advised to eat a more alkaline diet to fix it. Why is this? I also have breast and nipple thrush and have battled an overgrowth of candida at times…I heard that was a ph related problem too, but how so?

  29. Joanne Reply

    I have been a vegetarian for over 40 years. I just plain do not like ANY meat, fish, poultry, eggs at all. I do use a plant protein organic powder. But I also eat Fage Greek yogurt. I am educating myself on balancing my acids and alkaline because I have a hiatal hernia. My question is how does greek yogurt fit in (or not) in the whole alkaline diet. I’m noticing now that I feel it is upsetting my stomach but it is an easy way for me to get protein when I’m on the go or at work… not sure if I should eliminate it from my diet. Would love an answer,thanks!

  30. Cindy Reply

    Hi, I have inflammation and I am acidic. My ph levels are always around 6.2-6.5 even when eating veggies veggies veggies…..the last 4 days. I am also taking under the care of my naturapath 3 ph tablets per night…I am doing turmeric, chlorophyll, spirilina the sugars are 1/2 apple in my 20oz green smoothie and a handful of blueberries. Im doing lemon water with ginger & Cayenne in the morning. I am drinking 2 cups of coffee in the morning. I tested today for example 10am and 2pm both readings were 6.5 & 6.0. Any ideas why I am still so acidic with all the alkaline foods? I am not doing any wheat, animal protein — I have been on a plant based diet just since Wednesday but have been doing the all veggies for breakfast and lunch. Oh and I have not had any diary since wed…..

  31. kim Reply

    How does this differ from a low glycemic way of eating?

    • ross Reply

      The main thing would be zero gluten, and lots more greens!

  32. Wendy Reply

    Hi Ross,
    My boyfriend and I have been juicing a combination of greens for fighting cancer for several months now. Of course it’s very expensive and very time consuming. My question is would Dr Young’s Doc Broc Greens, or any others you’ve mentioned be a good substitute for juicing? Can you overdo it on drinking a ‘green’ drink when you are fight cancer. Thank you so much for helping!

  33. Jerrett Reply

    Simple sugars only exist in nature. It is when we process and separate them from the plant and the enzymes within it that makes it bioavailable that they become acid forming. But when we can digest the fruit as a raw whole fruit with all of the enzymes that assist the enzymes in our body to help break itself down that it stays alkaline forming. Sorry if my earlier comment seemed rude. Just can’t stand when there are misconceptions about fruit! Fruit is our friend 🙂

  34. Jerrett Reply

    Im sorry bur your point on fruits and sugars couldnt be any farther from the truth. A little research and you will find that cells require glucose as fuel, and only glucose. Also you failed to realize the different types of sugars. Processed sugars, carbohydrates, powdered sugar are all complex sugars, di-saccaharides and poly saccharides ( chains of two or more simple sugars. For example glucose and fructose make up a carbohydrate.) These require insulin from the pancreas to be broken down and absorbed by the body. Simple sugars, mono-saccharides, are single sugars. Such as glucose, sucrose or fructose. These require no insulin response and can be absorbed and put to work asap.

    I suggest you do more research and fact checking before posting next time.

  35. SandraLouise Reply

    I just started fermenting my garden veggies using clean water and ancient sea salt. My ph is currently acidic. I am starting a low-acidic lifestyle change. Will my fermented veggies make me more acidic? I understand everything else in your well-written article. Thank you.

  36. Natalie Lockwood Reply

    Hi, I have recently switched my diet to a more alkaline one and have subscribed to your charted list of alkaline and acidic foods. But some questions remain. After reading what you have written in the download about kombucha and fermented foods, I am confused. I have several friends who are nutritionists swear by the health benefits and alkalizing benefits of drinking kombucha and eating kimchi, saurkraut, and other fermented foods to promote healthy gut flora. Why does your viewpoint contrast with this? Also, your list doesn’t have regular cow yogurt -another thing I was always told was good for the system. Lastly, while the chart lists pasta and cheese in general as acidic, what about almond and soy cheeses as well as quinoa or buckwheat pastas? Where do they lie on the alkaline/acidic spectrum? Thanks for your info both on your website and what you provide to these questions I have presented. I look forward to hearing your response!
    Natalie Lockwood

  37. george Reply

    “do not drink fruit juice”, “do not eat fruit” ?????????? nothing can be further from the truth my man. humans are frutarian species. there is nothing in a human body (digestive system, anatomy etc.) that suggests otherwise. the statement that “sugar is sugar” is beyond ridiculous… good luck to you, I appreciate your enthusiasm.

    • ross Reply

      Thanks George – appreciate yours too. My position is somewhat softer these days, but I still believe in only 1-2 pieces of in-season fruit per day.


  38. Robyn brown Reply

    Hi thanks for all the info appreciate question through some researching is Cancer cannot live in an alkaline body…like your thoughts on that if you could..Thanks Robyn

  39. Ollie F. Fields Reply

    I hear that tomatoes while naturally acidic actually have an alkalizing effect when eaten raw but, when cooked they become acid producing in your system? Are there any other foods that do this? And are there acidic foods that become alkaline when cooked?

    • ross Reply

      Hi Ollie

      This isn’t the case with tomatoes. All foods lose a little of their main nutrients when cooked or processed in any way, but they don’t generally go from alkaline to acidic.


  40. Bruce Reply

    Working in the alternative health field for 25 years and studying under some of the foremost
    researchers, teachers and health advocates…I started to review your report with interest. All was very informative, up to date, until you noted tomatoes as an alkaline food? Please get it right. Tomatoes along with eggplant, green peppers and potatoes are the top of the pile, acid forming, highest inflammatory, nightshade fruits and vegetable known. If you’re going to proclaim to be knowledgeable about this topic, PLEASE do your homework and stop putting out there dis-information. You’re doing more harm than good.
    thank you,
    Future Foods

    • ross Reply

      Hey Bruce

      I guess we have to agree to disagree – and you’re not citing any source yourself for this, just opinion. The tomatoes, due to the high alkaline mineral content such as potassium, manganese, magnesium and importantly molybdenum means that during the digestion process they have an alkaline-forming effect on the body.


  41. Suzy Reply

    Sorry if I sound confused, but don’t onions, carrots, pumpkins and a lot of other vegetables contain quite a lot of sugar?

  42. Jennifer Reply

    Hi I was wondering what kind of salt is the healthiest for you to stay alkaline? And are mushrooms good for you what about carob? Thank You,Jennifer

  43. Chris Reply

    Hey, would really appreciate an answer. Can’t you alkalize an acidic food by adding tons of alkalizing foods like lemon juice? I need whey protein to build muscle (it’s a vanity thing). I can’t settle for vegan alternatives, they work but not half as good as meat, eggs or whey. I don’t eat meat or eggs, so my one and only savior is whey protein.

    I am trying to live on an alkalizing diet but the more things that are off limits, the more I want to quit. I JUST want my whey protein and a nice variety of veggies, grains, beans, seeds, fruits… If I can add lemon to everything to make it alkaline that would be great.

    • Leanne Reply

      Hi Ross,
      That was a great blog. Thank you.
      I have low iron levels and a health practitioner I have been working with suggested that eating meat is ok for me as I it will help me actually become more alkaline by upping my iron. What are you thoughts on this?
      Also have you heard that urine therapy can help to alkaline the body?
      Thanks for your time.

  44. Marie Reply

    I’ve been suffering from chronic bacterial vaginosis for almost 1 year. No traditional medication has helped me. My gynecologists are baffled. I’ve done a lot of research, and I now know it’s because my body is too acidic. I’m now starting an alkaline diet to help. Can you offer any help to jump start this process for someone who has been suffering from a bacterial infection for so long? I’m drinking a ton of lemon water in addition to the diet. Should I cut that out since the fruit has some sugar?

  45. Joseph Reply

    What if sugar is alkalized… would it help?

  46. judith Reply

    why do i get sick for an hour after juicing?.Judith

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Judith

      Difficult for me to answer without knowing a bit more about your diet really.

      Is this your first time juicing?

      • judith Reply

        yes.this is the second week
        i started the alkaline diet3 weeks ago

  47. Marta O'Neill Reply

    Thanks Ross! I want to get alkaline as my health is so poor even though I have always led a “healthy” diet with plenty of fruits and veggies and soy and supplements etc. My question is Do you recommend or discourage a liver cleansing program prior to or during the diet change? I feel that my liver and gallbladder may not be working properly and I feel that because of it the positive effects of getting alkaline might be hindered or rejected?
    Thank you.

  48. Mathias Reply

    Hi Ross. I’ve had rosacea for about 5 years. I’m 24 years old now. I usaually go out every weekend drinking with my friends.. But ofcourse, alcohol is total acidicying right? So is there any type of alcohol that is more ok?? I could imagine that redwine might be better than beer in the long run due to the level of sugar in alcohol. But what do you say?

    And. How long would it usaually take for the alkaline diet to clear up rosacea? There is defiently a differens to my skin when I eat more alkaline but it never clears up completly. Maybe because of the alcohol in weekends. But my idea was to try to eat as alkaline as possible from monday to friday and then in the weekends it would be ok for me to eat more acid. Which was me trying to do a 30/70% weekly alkaline/acid. But it seems it isn’t a great plan. What do you think?

  49. Janine Reply

    Hi Ross
    Thank you for your inspiring and informative posts. I am two weeks in to converting and already starting to enjoy a lightness, and more energy.
    QUESTION: Does cooking with lemon, to boost an alkine recipe by adding it in to a curry, stew etc reduce its alkilinity?
    Thank you.

  50. Tiago Couto Reply

    Hello Ross! I was wondering two things!
    One, other sources for protein. And two – isn’t watermelon alkaline? I read that it is one of the most alkaline besides lemon, when it comes to fruit.

    Thanks a lot

  51. Patti Reply

    Hi Ross,

    your site is full of great information. Here’s a question I have though. On the chart of alkaline and acid foods, hazelnuts is listed 3 times: once as a neutral, once as an eat as much as you want alkaline, and once as an acid forming food to avoid. So which is is… the list of nuts that are alkalizing includes other nuts, such as walnuts that I’ve seen on the acid side of your charts as well.

    Thanks so much for your insight,


  52. Stephen B Reply

    I am a 70 year old male with type 2 diabetes just diagnosed with bowel cancer. I am advised that I should have a high protein diet but eat neither fish nor poultry. Can you offer any advice? Avocados are beyond my budget.
    There is so much conflicting advice regarding high alkaline foods. I am now getting very confused and will have to revert to my ‘normal’, everyday, diabetic diet unless I cand find an answer.

  53. Ashleigh Reply

    ‘But if we did manage to eat SO alkaline that your cells and body fluids went above 7.365 then your body would simply buffer this to regulate you back down to the correct pH.’

    Doesn’t this negate the idea of an alkaline/acid diet??

    • Ross Bridgeford Reply

      Hi AShleigh

      No, the point of the acid/alkaline diet is not to make the body more alkaline – it’s point is to support the body in staying in it’s slightly alkaline natural state.


  54. cass Reply

    If the alkaline diet works for everyone how come tribes from different continents can eat lots of meat or sugars and are more healthy than “civilized” countries? I have a hard time believing one size fits all when it comes to diet. Is it possible that its the high consumption of processed foods, sugars, grains and chemical-infused foods that are causing our dis-ease? I have been studying diet a lot and the only thing all diets agree on is eating an abundance of organic, whole foods and limiting sugars and processed foods and empty-calorie drinks…So what gives?

  55. dani Reply

    two questions: what about if you are trying to alkalinize your body for coldsores/the herpes virus? The very sources of protein that you suggest are high in arginine and can trigger outbreaks. additionally, soy is controversial to be consuming daily, especially if you are a woman with a family history of breast cancer(and most is genetically modified). Quinoa and eggs, staples in my vegetarian diet, seem to be no nos. so what do you suggest in this case?

  56. Anuradha Reply

    I suffer from acid reflux and every time I have lemons or tomatoes it makes it worse coz they’re so acidic. However you mention they’re good. I’m not sure if I understand.

    • Faye Reply

      I use to have acid reflux. I ate fermented vegetables and drank plain white kefir milk for a while. My acid reflux is gone. I made my on fermented vegetables with carrots, ginger root and Celtic sea salt. I got me recipe from the book called ” The Maker’s Diet”. I suggest you read the whole book written by Jordan Rubin. You will find it quite interesting. If you can’t drink dairy there are other kefir milks. Make sure there are no added sugars and no flavors just plain.

      • ross Reply

        Hi Faye – we were just talking about fermented foods in the Alkaline Base Camp membership yesterday…

        I was saying that it definitely works for some, and that folks should try it out and see how it goes for them. One size fits one, so what works for me may not work for you and vice versa.

        There’s definitely something in fermentation and fermented foods, and the benefits of that for some conditions could outweigh the acidity effect.

        Thanks for sharing

  57. Aoife Reply

    Could you tell me , can i put my alkaline drops into the kettle and boil them for tea etc

  58. Deon Reply

    Hi Ross, we just started with your beginner’s guide today (day 1 today). Since I’m a control freak, it made me feel very unsettled not knowing how to measure the 70%, 30% ratio – is it be volume? weight? alkaline/acidic value times weight ratio? Thank you so much! Deon

    • Ross Bridgeford Reply

      Hey Deon

      Great, GREAT idea for an article – I’ll write about this tomorrow and post it on the site!


  59. Chantal Reply

    I am doing a homeostasis project for my biology class, and I will be eating alkaline only foods for a short period of time. I will attempt to not eat any acid forming foods. How long would it take (if I only ate alkalizing foods) for me to notice the effects on my body?

  60. Nicole Reply

    Quick question.

    Whey protein Isolate. How would this fit into an alkaline diet?

    • Ross Bridgeford Reply

      Nicole – firstly, I love your email address.

      OK, so WPI is not alkaline. I would suggest looking into other sources of protein such as hemp, rice and pea protein. I really like the Sun Warrior brand as it’s made with sprouted organic hemp – which is about as alkaline as it gets when it comes to protein.


  61. Lois A. Reply

    Hi! I understand from the question about fruits is that sugar is the number one enemy, right? Yould you say that alkalising the body is a cure for diabetes?

  62. Rich Reply

    Thank you for that write up!

    It helped answer some questions of mine!

    My buddy told me about the whole alkaline diet awhile back and i kind of jumped on board, but was skeptical. I enjoy eating! LOL But then he had me listen to Anthony Robbins’ Living Health. WOW! Game changer!

    But there are a few things i still don’t understand. Like what is the best recovery food/drink when I get done training? Whether long distances, sprints or weights. I usually have a whey protein shake that says it contains 0 sugar carbs… What are your thoughts? Just stick with almond milk or green drink, spinach leaves, almonds and broccoli? But doesn’t broccoli break down really slow? Bananas i know unripe are better, but if i’m trying to alkalize my body, are they good or bad before or after running?

    I know soy is alkaline, but i was always told it… Well… Gives guys “b*tch t*ts”. LOL So i have always stayed away from anything soy… Any thoughts?

    Lastly, so many of the charts i’ve read online have shown a lot of foods in the alkaline side that i am now finding are not alkaline! I see on your chart that Blackberries are on the acidic side. Are raspberries acidic too? I’m cutting them out for my 10 day challenge, but i know they have a LOT of antioxidants and taste great. So maybe i’ll include them in my 20-30% section? What are your thoughts?

    Sorry for so many questions!

  63. Armand Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I’m currently on the alkaline diet way of eating.
    I find it very healty and aggree with many things stated.

    As a sportsman (montainbiker that swim, run, gym, cycle a lot and a full time employee), how do I go about having a balanced diet with enough proteins, carbs etc and still stay away from too much acid forming foods..??

    Your answer will be very appreciated!

    Best regards,


  64. sophia Reply

    Hi Ross.. I am so grateful for all this information. THANK YOU. I am on day 3 and a half of the cleanse and i feel so nauseas that I cannot get the green drinks down.. do you have any advice? I hope this will pass. I also have a health condition – recurring Graves Disease – so i don’t know if this makes a difference. I just feel incredibly sick. Am managing water. Any advice would be HUGELY appreciated.
    thank you!

  65. Aracely Jelinski Reply

    In Firefox I normally use right-click > “Open in new tab” when browsing web pages. This can also be done when clicking on a bookmark. . . Is there any way to get Firefox to do this automatically (by default) when left-clicking a bookmark instead of having to do the right click?.

  66. Karl Reply

    Hey Ross,

    We met at JMC3’s Z-Facton in Montreux in May 2010, you may remember.

    Great blog, thanks for sending this link reminder in your email today, and I really wanted to pick up on point 3. I have been looking at this issue for a long time, and I am trying to find out exactly HOW we know the acid-forming or alkalizing effect certain foods have on our bodies.

    I have looked at the science behind many books and articles and the food lists they produce, and seen PRAL as the basis of the research. I notice many books refer back to some PRAL research dating from 1997, 1998 and 1999, and many studies use this same set of results as the starting point for their research.

    So I am interested in what Dr Young has done separately, and I notice you say he has conducted live blood analysis on 40k persons. Again, I would love to know exactly HOW he does this? I have written to him and asked, in several emails, but the answers are brief and seem to just re-state the end results, but it is the methodology I am interested in.

    For example, if his research says that a banana has an acid-forming effect, how precisely has he tested this? Does he have 30 people eat nothing but bananas for 12 hours, 24 hours, 36 hours, 48 hours, and then test their bloods at regular intervals? Or is there some optimal time to see a blood-sugar reaction, say 2 hours after X food is consumed? If the person ate slow burnig carbs at breakfast, such as oatmeal or toast, then went to the lab for testing, clearly the breakfast will interfere with lab results, so were patients fasted before all tests? Have these tests been completed for dozens of people for hundreds of common foods?

    I am really keen to understand how this process works, can you help shed some light on this please?

    Many thanks Ross, all the best mate,


  67. Jan Reply

    Thanks Ross. great article. Relative to ionized alkaline water…if it sits for days/weeks does it lose alkalinity? What if it is exposed to high heat…greater than 85 degrees F?

  68. Gowtham Reply

    need some information on alkalinizing , is it safe to begin & continue on green tea, brown rice, Capsicum and pH drops, if we go ahead with this, how much time to take our body become alkaline content, and how much time to take try for ?

    One last information
    If we go with PH drop, how we can use and where we can buy this?

  69. Daphne Reply

    Hi Ross,
    What’s the required / safe number of pH drops to put into tap water to raise the alkalinity? I’ve been putting 5 drops per litre because I thought above that was unsafe (not sure where I saw that) but the pH is 6.5 so still acidic.
    Thanks, Daphne

  70. Elizabeth Reply

    Hi, I’ve only recently found your site – and love all the information you give and how you really do seem to care. One question. I have heard that Coral Calcium is good for the body – is it Acid or Alkaline? Many thanks for all your support. Elizabeth Tyler

  71. Melissa - Still in the Storm Reply

    Thanks for this GREAT article. I love it!!

  72. Arlene Reply

    Hi there, is it safe to begin & continue on green drinks and pH drops when trying to get pregnant?

  73. Tina Walsh Reply

    Hiya,HIya, I live in Ireland, i have just been tested and had a positive result for Helicobacter pylori, I’ve been on a course of doble anti-biotics to clear it but with no success. Could you recommend a good alkaline diet I should follow. Also, i bought myself a course of Udo’s Super 8 Probiotic, ust reading through your website I will now invest in a course of Omega 3,6,9, any other advice would be gratefully appreciated. I always feel tired, with a flue like feeling all over and recently a little bit of depression, hopefully hear from you soon and thanks in advance

  74. karen jones Reply

    im wondering why nature provided us with so many varieties of fruit if it is so bad for us. While i find the information interesting im not convinced i could stick to the way of life not completely

    • Isabela Reply

      Actually, nature didn’t provide us with so many fruits. We only recently added all those big, sweet, juicy fruits to our diet, once we learned modern agriculture. Have you ever seen a wild apple? Wild cherry? Wild peach?

      • cass Reply

        I’ve also never seen a wild tomato, avocado, cucumber, etc.!

  75. AJB Reply

    I work 3 to 4 twelve hour nightshifts and stay on the run so much, I sometimes having trouble getting to the restroom and getting anything to drink. I have tried day shifts but I’m a creature of the night. Also I hate spicy foods, celery, & black olives and always thought Stevia was a natural sweetener. How can someone with my work lifestyle, minimal time to prepare & cook, manage to not only find the time to learn and utilize all the alkalizing lifestyle but also store my 3 to 4 day supply of food and fit exercise in? I have always been fighting sweet and salt cravings and as much as I love tea, I thought it was OK to use Stevia? Thanks a million, a somewhat lost healthcare worker trying to avoid healthcare problems that could end me in the hospital.

  76. Naomi Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I am thinking about starting this diet 25% for the health benefits but 75% for the weight loss. On this diet, will I lose a lot of weight?

    Thank you!

  77. heather Reply

    I too, would like to have clarified the point of apple cider vinegar added to water and this being alkalizing. I also have been given a bi carb soda by my naturopath… I sip bi carb and apple cider from a 1 litre bottle of water throughout day……is this a sound alkalizing action ?

    • Ross Reply

      Hello Heather,
      If you want your water to be alkalized just put in pH drops or put lemon in it. The components of the Apple cider vinegar are acidic. If you take a look at the food chart you would see where the components would fall under acid or alkaline.

  78. Janie Still Reply

    Hello, I am so confused, thought I knew a lot about nutrition etc; but only recently began to look @ PH balance, however, after being told that tomatoes, lemons & grapefruit are alkaline I then hear from Money Vital that tomatoes are poisonous and that all citrus fruits should be avoided @ all cost !!!.
    Please help me, thank you,
    Janie Still, x

    • Ross Reply


      I’m not sure what you’re asking for help with? Can you be a bit more specific?


  79. zenitram Reply

    is dry roasted almond butter with sea salt a solid high alkaline food and ———– would millet combined with lima beans be anouter solid alkaline food

  80. Ken Reply

    We are having a problem with the PH question. You say the only way to truly test PH is through live blood analysis, and we have had that done, but are we talking about the actual PH reading of the blood here? A medical doctor told us that the test that measures this is a blood gas test, and that if your blood was too acidic, you would die. He said that all blood is close to neutral PH. I didn’t think this was true. Are we talking about two different things here?

    • John Carraway Reply

      The doctor is right. The pH of the blood must be slightly alkaline, but the pH of the body (flesh) can be quite acidic from stored waste products (uric acid), which causes all types of illnesses. If the pH of the blood reads below or close to 7, it means that the pH of the body (flesh) has reached a saturation point and is highly acidic (prone to illness). Normal pH of the blood is 7.4 (slightly alkaline), which provides maximum health for the body. However, the acid load on the body is constant from burning food for energy, therefore we need a constant supply of alkaline minerals from our diet to maintain a slightly alkaline body pH.

  81. Ruby Magno Reply

    Thanks,I’m learning many facts on alakaline food and its is time to start now.

  82. nisha Reply

    I am not allowed to have Tofu due to certain health restrictions.
    What are the options?Is lactose free milk as acidic?

  83. avatarlady Reply

    wow this is such full of knowledge and enlightenment. i was searching for h pylori and alkaline diet and now i conclude that i absolutely lack alkaline minerals. my acidophilus, charcoal, baking soda, garlic, VCO, blood type diet, and non-carb diet never helped!

  84. adam Reply

    I don’t see why this site is so anti-acid.

    Stumak acid is vital. e.coli or h.pylori both need an alkaline habitat to fester…by the same token pepsin, vitamins, mineral eg silica abzorpshn need an acid invirun – els u hav big helth problums.

  85. Lisa Reply

    Why is he so against chlorella & spirulina? I read what he has to say in the book – but the health benefits written from so many sources seem to contradict. He is the only one who has neg to say. Given the fact that his phlavor salt runs in streams outside,,, does than not pick up germs just the same??

  86. Mike Schwager Reply

    Great information. Thank you. I’d like to recommend an author whose information completely resonates with yours – three time Chiropractor of the Year, Dr. David Yachter. His new book, “BORN A CHAMPION: The Master Strategy for Maximum Health and Lasting Success” is filled with great information about the optimal alkaline diet (“Food by God” he calls them), the taboo acidic foods and toxic over processed foods (“Food by Man”), phenomenal information about the ideal exercises, and vital knowledge about the importance of spinal adjustments to bring the full benefits of the Life Force into your nervous system.

    Dr. Yachter appears on YouTube with an excellent presentation, along with testimoniaols from his patients. He has not only gotten patients off their pills and over processed foods, he has put cancer patients into remission, brought diabetic patients back to normalcy WITHOUT pills or insulin, and has helped thousands of people lose weight, come back from depression and high blood pressure.

    Here is link to his YouTube appearance:

  87. Leslie Reply

    Hey Ross
    many thanks

  88. Ross Reply

    Hey Leslie

    Your pH is likely to be more acidic in the morning because your body has been working out the toxins all night.

    This ol’ blog post might be able to help:


  89. Leslie Reply

    OK, so i’ve got Dr. Young’s book, have spent 3 weeks going right into it ( wasn’t that far off from my previous diet, non dairy, no sugar or alchohol, lots of green vegs, etc.). My question is: i’ve started using the ph testing strips, and i’m perplexed that my reading is often (first thing in morning, for eg) around 5.5! why so acidic? I’m doing many of the supplements he suggests too: greens, and juiced green veggies, and ph drops, and lemon water, and colloidal silver, etc. etc. what do you think?

  90. Chentao Reply

    Thank you for sharing greater insight into staying alkalized. I have added a link to this page to my blog–I hope you don’t mind.

    • Ross Reply

      Not at all! Thanks for stopping by!

  91. Sydney Mum Reply

    Thanks for this post , just what i needed to get back on track with both myself and my boys. I have been trying to tell the “do-gooders” for a while now that just putting obese kids on a “fruit and vege” diet isnt always the answer !!
    Both my boys have Autism , one is obese and the other too thin , both have shocking toxic issues , this is the diet I have been after for a while now , thankyou !

    • Ross Reply

      No worries! Thanks for the thanks!

      Good luck with everything and if you have any specific questions remember you can get me on [email protected]

  92. Jim Reply

    Great information. I have long known about this subject, but have always found contradicting charts on the different foods. Sorry to read about fruits though. I thought there might be a way around the not eating fruits. I only eat fruit though when they are in season like late summer and fall.

    Someone asked about B12, a strict vegan could be low in B12, but any good supplement would help. We dont need that much B12.

  93. heidi Reply

    Thanks Ever for Listing These 11 Important Points, Ross!

    I, for one, really appreciate your *GENEROSITY in Sharing Your Knowledge with us!

    [You really DO Love Us!]

    [It’s Good to Have THAT LIST, So We Can Refer to It, Whenever ….]

    What I’m a little concerned about ( & I just wrote it, to Bibi, on ‘The Forum’) is the Fact that Vegans can Very Easily become Vitamin B12 Deficient!

    [Also Vitamin D Deficient….though we in Queensland get MASSES of [FREE/ *STRONG] SUNLIGHT!

    Are You Aware of The Vitamin B 12 Deficiency Issue?

    I’m hoping it’s Not a Serious Issue…

    Have You HEard Anything About It?

    Cheers & Thanks,



  94. Sheila Reply

    Hi There

    Great info in the 11 questions, thank you. I have a problem with low stomach acid and one suggestion was to drink pineapple juice before a meal. This seems a bad idea in view of the above answers. Do you have any suggestions?

  95. Ross Reply

    Yep – cucumber to the water is a fair idea, but with the lemon water it is more that you are actually squeezing the lemon juice in, to increase the alkalinity of the water rather than just steeping a slice in.

    Here is a blog post all about it:


  96. Michael Reply

    What about adding Apple Cider Vinegar to water? I heard that was good for you and alkalizing. Also, what about adding a slice of cucumber to your water instead of lemon?

    Thanks Ross!
